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Paco is lovely Syd and I know just what your talking about my Chihuahua puppy is nearly 10months and she is still running rings aound us :-D we took her away to Barnard Castle in the van a trial you might say ;-) she did better than expected only she thinks she neads to bully anything larger than her!! which is about everything.



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We bought Paco because we wanted a dog that could sit on Lee's knee when he is out and about in his wheelchair.

I'm pretty sure that we didn't buy a dog though, instead we bought an evil little devil.

He bullies the brother in laws s**tzu to death.


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He will settle down Syd (lol) but at the moment he is a big dog in a little body start training him now and you will have a lovely loyal little dog, we have had three now Id never owned a dog before tell Lee to go onto this site and he will find lots of information and friends






and if I can be of any help just ask maggy


Oh and it would be better if you can socialize him with as many other dogs of all sizes while he is young, my two are Alfa over my Sons parsons Jack Russel he is a big dog but gives way to them :-D I remember Barbara Woodhouse had a Chi along with her reat Dane,s and the chi was Alfa dog it has nothing to do with size I dont think, >:-) its attitude.

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Stop it you two!!!! I'm really, really, really jealous! :$


I got my 'fix' today though when someone came round with a rough haired black Patterdale Terrier - he was only 15 weeks old and he had a tail!


Gorgeous little thing, I could quite happily have kidnapped him! :D

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Spent yesterday working in the garden, complete waste of time as all the new plants that I put in are now spread out all over the lawn

Also the lawn has two big holes in it, right in the middle. >:-( >:-( >:-(

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Syd - 2011-04-26 8:06 AM


Spent yesterday working in the garden, complete waste of time as all the new plants that I put in are now spread out all over the lawn

Also the lawn has two big holes in it, right in the middle. >:-( >:-( >:-(


Oh no :-S that is what Im worrying about this year! the older one is alright but Im thinking I might have to put twigs around the border to keep mischief off this year. It does get better Syd its just because he is a puppy !! Ill tell you what though I have bought a PET CORRECTOR off the internet its an aerosol that squirts air!! its supposed to stop Barking/Chasing/Stealing/Jumping up >:-( it does ! but you have to see them misbehaving for it to work!! mine dont dig in the garden though! just trample through the plants but any dog does that you just have to put something to protect your fragile little plants untill they get going. The Pet corrector might work for the lawn digging. A couple we met in Whitby had two chi,s and they recommended it to stop the barking as my little one didnt shut up the whole time we were talking. *-)

Or you could make an encloser tthat the pest has to stay in!! (lol)




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Deep down I think that I am actually enjoying him and his naughty ways, he is always soooo pleased to see me even when I am telling him off


He is not very much into barking YET


Lee bought him a "Tube" to run through today and he loves it been in it quiet a lot rolling over in it too

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maggyd - 2011-04-26 3:56 PM




You're in for it madam! >:-)


Seriously .... very seriously ... tempted yesterday! Walking round a car boot sale/market there was a chap with a lovely pup, 8 weeks old, couldn't leave the little mite at home so had to take her with him (carried of course). Anyway, turned out she was a cross whippet jack russell and was absolutely beautiful, to cut a long story short we found out where he'd got her from and went to see the remaining 9 puppies, turns out they weren't whippet jack russels, but 3/4 whippet and lurcher! Too big for us but very, very, very cute. Sorely tempted nonetheless but having got back to our van and jumped on by Romy and Lily who then were a bit 'apprehensive' due to the funny scent on me, somehow I don't think I'll disrupt our happy family with an addition quite yet. I'll just enjoy saying hello to any puppies I come across! :-D

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No I dont blame you Mel :-D two is nice because they are company for each other anymore I dont think I could manage and they are only small. Mind you whippet lurcher is a good mix as I beleive lurchers have a lovely nature. ;-)
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To 'hijack' this thread for a while, seeing as the new craze is to cross-breed dogs and call them daft names and charge daft prices for them, we've been very fasionable in that over the years we've had several dogs, named:


Pootle: She could have been known as an Albrador or Labsation, or even a German Shebador! (Alsation/German Shepherd x Labrador)


Barley: She was a Whipador or Labrapet (Whippet x Labrador)


Poppy: A nutty and very intelligent Border Coppet or Whippie (Border Colllie x Whippet)


Kizzie: Al Russell or Gerrussel or Jack Rusation (Alsation/German Shepherd x Jack Russell ... yes really!)


Midge: West Russell or Jack Restie (Westie x Jack Russell)


Romy: Greyhaffie or Staffhound (Greyhound x Staffie)



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We have a lunatic border collie with terrier and spaniel identifiable in the mix!


I think she will quieten down when she grows up, after all she is only 10!


A Collier maybe!

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He cant be that bad Syd :-D nothing calms our little bitch down jabs /blood test/ neautering!!! just to cheery you up >:-) she is 10 months and we cant wait for the puppy stage to pass she wares you out! its 9.30pm she has been on the go all day and is at this moment bringing back her tug rope to my O.H she wont stop if he tries to ignore her she keeps putting it further up in front of his nose (lol) any way in about ten minuets I put her in her bed/crate she walks in herself and thats the last I hear untill I wake her in the morning.


We will be taking her abroad for six weeks very soon dont know what Ill do without that crate :-S

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Met a guy in the Forest this week who had a cockador (Really!)


Cocker Spaniel crossed with a Labrador.


It was a very handsome dog - lovely black coat, and face that could be either Lab or Spaniel - But the ears were fantastic!


Labrador ears but about twice as long.


Have to say I was impressed - lovely dog.


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Can anyone tell me


How do I get all of this garden rubbish out of the house and back into the garden and all the household bits and pieces out of the garden and back into the house ??


Also does anyone know anyone who will sew a patch over the hole that has appeared in the side of my expensive leather shoe

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Can anyone tell me


How do I get all of this garden rubbish out of the house and back into the garden and all the household bits and pieces out of the garden and back into the house ??


Also does anyone know anyone who will sew a patch over the hole that has appeared in the side of my expensive leather shoe

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Can anyone tell me


How do I get all of this garden rubbish out of the house and back into the garden and all the household bits and pieces out of the garden and back into the house ??


Also does anyone know anyone who will sew a patch over the hole that has appeared in the side of my expensive leather shoe

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