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Portugal - electronic Tolls


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Heading down to Portugal for the first time - ferry to Bilbao then down to Sevilla and across to Argarve; Swing N to Lisbon and back into Spain via Douro valley - at least thats what i plan - what actual happens depends where i get side tracked - anyway = I digress.


Its all fairly last minute and I have just been reading about the new tolls which sound a nightmare. As far as i can work out the new electronic tolls in the south have been postponed until after the election but we may run into them N of Lisbon



!)does anyone have any experience of these and if so how easy are they to use

2) are the alternative roads OK eg A1 ( i read somewhere that they were in poor condition)


I have tried to search but other than a link to CC (where info seemed out of date) and a link to Hey Portugal (the only website i could find in english) i cannot see info from anyone that has used them (it only started last autumn)


Many thanks



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Just back from Portugal, the motorways in the south do not have any tolls on them, yet, they are putting the gantries up for them so it won't be long.


In the north there are tolls and you have to have a transponder box, from motorway services, post offices etc. I understand that they are pre-loaded with 30 Euro and if you don't use it then it's non refundable. You take the transponder back to any post office or m/way services etc.


There is plenty of warning that you are heading for a toll road, just turn off if you don't want to go on it.


I never bothered, to much hassle. The "A" roads are OK if a bit "B" class in parts, but we don't have to rush and you get there eventually, and you get to see many places you would zoom past on the m/way.


I was told that they (the Portugese) don't want the tolls but the E.U. made it part of the Euro rescue package.

There is a lot of opposition and plenty of painted comments on the roadsides.



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