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Goodbye Bin Laden


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Guest peter
Tracker - 2011-05-02 8:35 PM


peter - 2011-05-02 8:28 PM


Richard..........Bruce is a big boy now and does not need you to stick up for him. We've got enough pseudo moderators on here already thank you very much.


Not so much sticking up for Bruce - more a case of expressing my dislike for personal attacks from any source


Really?.......That's rich coming from you. You've got a very short memory when it suits you, have'nt you? Remember when you and your erstwhile mate, BGD were having a right pop at me a couple of years ago? I havent.

I wasn't defending Anthony either, I was pointing out that BGD does not need you help.

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peter - 2011-05-02 7:52 PM


antony1969 - 2011-05-02 3:34 PM


Your profile picture makes it look like your struggling to get something out of your backside , your last couple of posts I presume

It's his head I think. (lol)






Peter - I really am genuinely intrigued.



You appear to be an intelligent adult.


Yet every now and then you resort to publishing the most infantile, stupid, single-digit-IQ posts imaginable.




Why is that?

Have you always had these social interaction problems?

Why are you sometimes seemingly not able to think and debate the actual issue under discussion in any form of adult, measured way?


Is it truly that you simply cannot cope with the arguments under discussion; that you cannot frame a cogent argument, and have instead to lash out in some sort of grotesque, schoolboy type of way - leading adult readers to the clear conclusion as to the inadequacy of your intellect and/or position?






Please Peter, pray explain to us all why you feel you have to attack the poster rather than attempt to argue the merits of the post.





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What I find strange is all the whooping and celebrating in America. Its not exactly a success story. Thousands of lives lost in two pointless wars because of a knee jerk reaction from a president with the IQ of a cabbage. Well done, its only taken you 10 years to find and kill one bloke. Its almost as ridiculous as the 2003 "mission accomplised speech". Oh Bin Laden is dead, we have won, Hurray!


Well infortunately the fundimenalists wont trudge off home and pack in fighting because you killed their so called leader. Al Qaeda is just an idea anyway, its not an army you can fight. None of this will make any difference on the battlefields in Afganistan and our troops will still die until we have the sense to bring them home.


The only saving grace is Al Qaeda seem a bit crap these days anyway with or without Bin Laden. In the last few years all they seem to be able to achieve is to blow themselves and their own people up. They seem to have either finished with the West or are unable to carry out further atrocities there anymore.



I dont think his death will make any difference.

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Tracker , I hope none of us come on here to argue surely we come on to discuss . As for BGD , come on for gods sake get a grip have you never heard the saying " talking out of ya backside " , is it such a major insult ? , is it an insult at all ? . There is also another saying that " people in glass houses should not throw stones " and maybe BGD who in the past made a remark about me should take notice of .
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Guest Tracker
peter - 2011-05-02 11:10 PM

Really?.......That's rich coming from you. You've got a very short memory when it suits you, have'nt you? Remember when you and your erstwhile mate, BGD were having a right pop at me a couple of years ago? I havent.

I wasn't defending Anthony either, I was pointing out that BGD does not need you help.


Oh dear Peter - bitterness and grudge carrying does not become you. Is your ego out of balance again!


It is sad that you still resent the bashing from a while ago. It's history and I had forgotten it but as I recall, and I certainly would never have trawled back to history to make a point, it was good natured and not entirely undeserved at the time?


I have had more than my share of bashings on here but I don't harp on about them - I just smile and move on!


Now - can we move on please and I would appreciate the courtessy of you not messing with my avatar please - I don't do it to you so why do you feel the need?

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peter - 2011-05-02 11:04 PM


I agree with that Flicka. How do we know he's dead?


I'm obviously not as clever as some of the members on here when it comes to international affairs so perhaps you'd be so kind as to tell me where my thinking is going wrong?


So President Obama decides to have a huge propaganda scheme by claiming to have killed Bin Laden.


So, if it's all a big scam, isn't the first thing that is going to happen is that, within days, Bin Laden is going to publish a video, with proof that it's genuine, such as holding a front page of a national newspaper proclaiming his death?


This gives a massive boost to his followers and terrorists all over the world, Obama has to resign as president because it is then clear that he has perpetrated a huge lie. Confidence in the USA plummets and possibly markets crash as a result.


Now as I said, I'm not very well informed and some of you seem to know a lot more about this than I do, so perhaps you can enlighten me so that I can explain to all my friends why this is a put-up job?


Or of course you could also be suggesting that they have him alive in a prison somewhere? Why? What purpose would this serve? According to what I've read he no longer has any knowledge of the day to day functioning of his murderous organisation. So we now have the same problem. Just think what that information would be worth to one prison guard, one orderly, one doctor or any of the other people who would have to be let in on the secret.


Just one of them let's it slip and Obama is finished. Once again, you and others seem to be so knowledgeable about these things and I'll be very grateful for your expert advice as to why you really think that the President of the Unites States has just committed one of the biggest public deceits in history.


I really can't think of a single reason why he'd do this, but I'll bow to your superior wisdom when you tell me.


Thank you.




Thank you.


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While you bunch are having your lovers tiff's and hijacking the "Goodbye Bin Laden" post !!! I presume the rest of us will have to go to sleep until one or more of you think that you have come out on top and withdraws.


Boreing boreing boreing boreing boreing

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nowtelse2do - 2011-05-03 2:26 PM


donna miller - 2011-05-03 9:55 AM


Osama and his son killed..................................





That's the first time the bins have been taken out over a bank holiday weekend.


Nice one donna, :D :D loved it.




I saw this on Facebook yesterday morning, it took until early evening for the penny to drop, DOH! :$ :$



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donna miller - 2011-05-03 9:55 AM


Osama and his son killed..................................





That's the first time the bins have been taken out over a bank holiday weekend.


Brilliant! (lol) (lol) (lol)

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Guest JudgeMental
donna miller - 2011-05-03 9:55 AM


Osama and his son killed..................................



That's the first time the bins have been taken out over a bank holiday weekend.



Not so....ours where emptied @ 6.45 am saturday morning:-D. How do I know dis? cose they woke us up with the racket! *-)


they misse our road on delivery Thursday, so I called automated service and the plonkers came and emptied ours and no other :-S


just saw on the telly that Obama sat around and watched the whole thing on a soldiers head cam. apparently BL hid behind a women for protection (naturally) and chap gave him 2 shots above the eye! well done that man!

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Guest peter
BGD - 2011-05-03 12:19 AM


peter - 2011-05-02 7:52 PM


antony1969 - 2011-05-02 3:34 PM


Your profile picture makes it look like your struggling to get something out of your backside , your last couple of posts I presume

It's his head I think. (lol)






Peter - I really am genuinely intrigued.



You appear to be an intelligent adult.


Yet every now and then you resort to publishing the most infantile, stupid, single-digit-IQ posts imaginable.




Why is that?

Have you always had these social interaction problems?

Why are you sometimes seemingly not able to think and debate the actual issue under discussion in any form of adult, measured way?


Is it truly that you simply cannot cope with the arguments under discussion; that you cannot frame a cogent argument, and have instead to lash out in some sort of grotesque, schoolboy type of way - leading adult readers to the clear conclusion as to the inadequacy of your intellect and/or position?






Please Peter, pray explain to us all why you feel you have to attack the poster rather than attempt to argue the merits of the post.




Bruce, I'm not in the least interested in the merits or otherwise of the thread. I can't be bothered with the rights or wrongs of killing a mass murderer, so do not see the point of arguing the toss with you or anybody else.

You are quite correct in your assumption that I am a social inadequate, so please bear this in mind for the future by not pointing it out too often, as it only makes my unfortunate condition worse. I thank you.

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I think the fact that the US released pictures of Obama & others watching the "feed" from Parkistan during the operation, may have been prompted by the conspiracy theories going the rounds.


At least it gives more credance to the whole episode.

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BGD - 2011-05-02 3:31 PM


antony1969 - 2011-05-02 2:56 PM


BGD , Your "despair "as you put it over the way this act was undertaken makes my gut turn . Sympathy with the devil , shame on you





Please DO NOT misunderstand me, nor seek to misrepresent my view.


My despair is over the PROCESS that was used by the "law-abiding, higher moral-ground" pontificating USA in this case.


I think that Illegal murder is a stupid way to respond to illegal murder, if what we are trying to do is to show that "our way" is better than "their way" and thus convince people all over the world to side with the Western system rather than drive them to embrace radical Muslimism because they hate what the "West" has done to them or their relatives or their countries when it invaded and occupied them.


It simply seems incrongruous to me that the USA (and UK by implication) can preach to the rest of the world about the value of our principles, yet ignore them when adherence doesn't suit us.





You talk a load of gobble di gook

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Guest Tracker
knight of the road - 2011-05-04 12:48 AM


You talk a load of gobble di gook


That's real - coming from you Malc!


But then again, as you are an acknowledged expert in gobbledegook, if anyone would know - you would!

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Tracker - 2011-05-04 7:46 AM


knight of the road - 2011-05-04 12:48 AM


You talk a load of gobble di gook


That's real - coming from you Malc!


But then again, as you are an acknowledged expert in gobbledegook, if anyone would know - you would!


Look at BGD's posts on this subject they are written in psuedo legalese words, something akin to a shady back street lawyer. All flannel.

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antony1969 - 2011-05-04 6:36 AM


Malcolm , your going to end up with Tracker on your case saying offensive stuff like that


Dont worry about me my son, I am well able to stick up for my self, I was born standing up and talking back.

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knight of the road - 2011-05-04 12:48 AM


BGD - 2011-05-02 3:31 PM


antony1969 - 2011-05-02 2:56 PM


BGD , Your "despair "as you put it over the way this act was undertaken makes my gut turn . Sympathy with the devil , shame on you





Please DO NOT misunderstand me, nor seek to misrepresent my view.


My despair is over the PROCESS that was used by the "law-abiding, higher moral-ground" pontificating USA in this case.


I think that Illegal murder is a stupid way to respond to illegal murder, if what we are trying to do is to show that "our way" is better than "their way" and thus convince people all over the world to side with the Western system rather than drive them to embrace radical Muslimism because they hate what the "West" has done to them or their relatives or their countries when it invaded and occupied them.


It simply seems incrongruous to me that the USA (and UK by implication) can preach to the rest of the world about the value of our principles, yet ignore them when adherence doesn't suit us.





You talk a load of gobble di gook






Malc - which parts of the English language that I used aren't clear?


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I don't know, you are talking about bin laden as though he was important, or worth arguing over.


Now a great legend, worthy of discussion also just passed away ,


"Our Henry" ( Cooper) was a far far better man in every way possible,











......................................at least he was still on his feet after 2 rounds.

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