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My daughter wants a Romahome


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My 26yr old daughter is looking for a small motorhome. There is just her and her little pooch. I have pointed her in the direction of a Romahome which might be ideal but there are a number of variants. She has between £6000 to £9000 to spend (is this enough to get her something decent) but does anyone have any idea which variant is best? Should she buy from a dealer or privately? Is Ebay any good as it looks a bit chancy to me although I would go and view it first. She wouldn't mind a camper van and wouldn't mind driving it despite its slightly larger size. Whatever she gets it will have to double as her main vehicle which is why I have steered her towards the car like Romahome. Any advice would be gratefully received.
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I would be inclined to visit a dealer who specialises in Romahomes to see the widest choice of models - or maybe one of the shows - depending on where you live?


Generalising - Romahomes are all quite similar in may ways and all are well made and durable but there are lots of minor differences and quirks some of which you can probably live with and some of you maybe cant?


Such as, full headroom or part headroom, a loo in a box or a loo comparttment, high top or rising top, various base vehicles, some with clamber through access from the cab and some you have to get out the front door and back in at the rear (great in the dark and wet), various combinations of heating - or not.

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Don't forget that Romahomes are not that 'short' a vehicle so consider how she is going to use it 'day to day' (parking etc). Also, no rear 3 point seat belts in the price range she'll be looking for.



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I must admit to always having a look in Romahomes when I get a chance, the've always intreged me.

BUT I can see no logical reason to buy one when for similier money you can buy a VW which will be around same size afford a much better driving position and be a better drive.

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The main Romahome-related problem here is the price, as will be evident from this advert:




Cheap Citroen C15D-based Romahome's do come up for sale, but they will be early versions, almost certainly without power-assisted steering. Rust is a real potential problem with the C15D base vehicle and braking performance is 'uninspiring' (Best to wear a St. Christopher medal while driving a C15D-based Romahome) ;-)


I'd be very surprised if a 2nd-hand A-S Mizan or Nu Venture Rio could be found in the £6k-£9k price range.



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I think Romahome also use the Berlingo base vehicle. Brother in law has had a Berlingo for about 10 years, it takes everything he throws at it. It is used a s a real work horse everyday vehicle, builders truck tows a trailer also the weather in Switzerland.


Although the Romahome is too small for us, I must admit we do like the look of them. Ideal for a single person.





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