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speed restrictions on 4+ ton motorhome in UK and Europe


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Just bought a Autocruise Saratosa and can remember reading an MMM article about speed restrictions in France depending on weight of van and road conditions. We would like to keep a record of these in motorhome for when out and about. Does anyone know a website with accurate information. Will go to DVLA site for UK info. Thanks
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Some of the new Motorhomes built from 2010 over 4T have speed limiters fitted plus digital Tachograph. Base units made for goods (limiter+Tach) and converted to Motorhome, More from the E.U

Also other ruling over 4T-12T

110Kh on Autoroutes

100Kh on dual carriageways with central reservation

80Kh on other roads



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See this thread which contains a link (admittedly in German, but it is fairly easily translateable) which gives limits for motorhomes (reisemobile) at various weights across most of Europe:




These are mainly based around the GVW (MAM) of the vehicle, which in your case will be 4 tonnes.


Note that current UK restrictions are not based on GVW (MAM) but on whether the unladen weight exceeds 3050kg. Up to that point, you are subject to the same restrictions as cars, above, you are subject to tighter restrictions.


Some details on:



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This is the official 'highway code for Vehicles between 3.5 and 12 tonne or if towing a trailer your train weight exceeds 3.5 tonne.

Livre 4
Titre :Titre 1er Dispositions générales (Articles L411-1 à L417-1) (Articles R411-1 à R418-9)
Chapitre :Chapitre III
Textes :Décret R413-8
Date de modif :23 Décembre 2006
Thème :Section 1 : vitesses maximales autorisées poids lourds marchandises
Contenu :La vitesse des véhicules dont le poids total autorisé en charge est supérieur à 3,5 tonnes ou des ensembles de véhicules dont le poids total roulant autorisé est supérieur à 3,5 tonnes à l'exception des véhicules de transport en commun, est limitée à :
« 1° 90 km/h sur les autoroutes ; ».
80 km/h sur les routes à caractère prioritaire et signalées comme telles. Toutefois, cette vitesse maximale est relevée à « 90 km/h » pour les véhicules dont le poids total est inférieur ou égal à 12 tonnes sur les routes à deux chaussées séparées par un terre-plein central ;
80 km/h sur les autres routes. Toutefois, cette vitesse maximale est abaissée à 60 km/h pour les véhicules articulés ou avec remorque dont le poids total est supérieur à 12 tonnes.
50 km/h en agglomération. Toutefois, cette vitesse maximale est relevée à 80 km/h sur le boulevard périphérique de Paris

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I believe they are, but when it becomes a motorhome it is a private vehicle and so not classed as a commercial vehicle anymore. That being the case I'm sure you can ask to have the limiter to be de-activated by the dealer. I'm not sure about this but from a conversation I had at a dealers they were using that as part of a "sales pitch". So it must be true! ;-)


As it happens I set my speed warning signal at 60 anyway and happily troll along on the motorways at that speed.


The DVLA might be the people to contact on this to get the definitive answers, either website or helpline would tell you.

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