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Pressure valve/water pumps

Guest Jan Humphries

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Guest Jan Humphries
Does anyone have any experience of a faulty pressure valve on the water inlet causing failure of the external Whale water pump? In the past 7 or 8 outings with my Bailey Pageant we have had two water pumps fail, and we are wondering whether this is linked to the fact that we have to adjust the pressure valve every time we set up. Any ideas about what the problem could be ?
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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest chrisn
Jan, Iam not familiar with Bailey, but have a similar system on my Bessacarr. You should not have to re-set the pressure switch each outing, unless you have changed from say 12v to 240v or vice versa. The inlet may have a pressure switch inside, or it may be a separate item with a little wheel on top for adjustment Do you use the outboard pump to drive the system? If so, I would suspect a slight water leak. If you leave the system on, and there is even a small loss of water, then your pump will come on repeatedly until the aquaroll is empty, then burn itself out.(It happened to me! I now carry a spare....) The frequent adjustment to the pressure switch also indicates the system is leaking if the electrical supply is unchanged.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Jan Humphries
Thanks for advice. We have since had it looked at again, and they say even a small drop in level on the battery will require adjustment of the pressure valve. A bit of a pain, but at least we are now aware what causes it.
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Guest chrisn
Jan-that's quite true. Generally, once the switch is set ok for 12v or mains, its operation remains stable. Its only when you change from one to the other, or there is a significant drop in battery voltage that adjustment is required
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