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kindle abroad

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i am sitting on a camping in alsace and getting to find out just what a kindle 3g

can do. so far i have fond updated news from around the world and te football results

and looked up the state of alpine pass roads. it is a bit slow and fiddly, and small

and black and white, but far exceeds my expectations as simply a compact

readind device. this message is an experiment to see if it can really communicate

with the forum as well! the weather continues warm and sunny.

neil b

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That's great - looking forward to trying mine in Germany at the end of the month.


We were recently on a site in Scotland, poor phone reception for our dongles made the netbook unusably slow, even my wife's iphone struggled - and I found the kindle the quickest way to get online.

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In my opinion no one should buy a Kindle for its website features. I love my Kindle and have downloaded books whilst abroad but web surfing on it is a frustrating, fiddly and a very slow business only to be done in an emergency.

I'll be sticking to my PDA, which downloads email in seconds for pence, and my netbook for when I can find wi-fi.

Nevertheless, the Kindle is a superb invention I can thoroughly recommend it, for reading books!

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francisgraham - 2011-05-10 4:06 PM

In my opinion no one should buy a Kindle for its website features. I love my Kindle and have downloaded books whilst abroad but web surfing on it is a frustrating, fiddly and a very slow business only to be done in an emergency.

I'll be sticking to my PDA, which downloads email in seconds for pence, and my netbook for when I can find wi-fi.

Nevertheless, the Kindle is a superb invention I can thoroughly recommend it, for reading books!


Use your Kindle mainly for reading... then check your emails.. and if you need to, find a WiFi spot or pay the fee at a site.But, for me, it has one invaluable advantage, I can get a secure link to my bank account, and do what needs to be done, on a secure link, which cannot be guaranteed on a WiFi connection elsewhere.It is just part of my means of keeping in touch. And yes, I DO read books on it!
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Please read your terms and conditions of kindle use or you may find you being disconnected and charged by Amazon



Extract of terms here


Use of Wireless Connectivity.

Your Kindle uses wireless connectivity to allow you to shop for and download Digital Content from the Kindle Store. In general, we do not charge you for this use of wireless connectivity. Your Kindle may use wireless connectivity to make other services available to you for which we may charge you a fee, such as personal file download and subscriptions when you are located in another country. The fees and terms for such services are located in the Kindle Store and may change from time to time. If your Kindle functions with third party services, such as Wi-Fi access points, a third party may charge you fees for the use of those services.


Your Conduct. You may use the wireless connectivity provided by us only in connection with the Service. You may not use the wireless connectivity for any other purpose.



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w1ntersun - 2011-05-11 7:47 AM


Please read your terms and conditions of kindle use or you may find you being disconnected and charged by Amazon



Extract of terms here


Use of Wireless Connectivity.

Your Kindle uses wireless connectivity to allow you to shop for and download Digital Content from the Kindle Store. In general, we do not charge you for this use of wireless connectivity. Your Kindle may use wireless connectivity to make other services available to you for which we may charge you a fee, such as personal file download and subscriptions when you are located in another country. The fees and terms for such services are located in the Kindle Store and may change from time to time. If your Kindle functions with third party services, such as Wi-Fi access points, a third party may charge you fees for the use of those services.


Your Conduct. You may use the wireless connectivity provided by us only in connection with the Service. You may not use the wireless connectivity for any other purpose.




Quite. And happy to pay for the secure service in connection with banking whilst abroad.

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Except that if Amazon want to restrict use of 3G functions on the Kindle to purchasing digital content from them, this surely doesn't account for why they should make a browser available on the Experimental menu in the first place? Purchasing can, after all, be done directly via the "Shop in Kindle Store" option on the Menu.


I agree with francisgraham (now that's something I never expected to say!!) that browsing on the Kindle is hardly intuitive or attractive, and definitely not a first choice. So to make it anyone's first choice for browsing is clearly a long way off, but my reading of Amazon's T&C, and the way the browser is described as Experimental, is more that they don't want anyone thinking they have a right to use it, and clearly reserving the right to charge for browsing.

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