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Home share


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Can any direct me to places I can advertise a house share?


I am looking for a person or couple that would like the regular use of a place in the UK from the Autumn to Spring and be prepared to move out for some or most of the summer as they go on tour. The place would be available for them on their return at the end of the summer and there will be space for storage of personal items not required on tour.


My place is a 300 year old cottage on the East Coast. Rent would be below the market rate and would be reduced in return for DIY & gardening work - of which there are plenty of opportunities to undertake.


I know that I could rent it out though normal channels but I would prefer to find someone / a couple that are looking for something on a regular, long term basis and are willing to work towards making the house a home rather than being bored stiff living in a place with no scope to do anything. Somewhere that they can return to after their summer touring - somewhere that they will call home for 6-9 months every year.


Before anyone questions the state of the place - it is adequate for immediate occupation and is used by friends and family and is a great base for visits to Southwold, the Broads etc.- it just happens that there are lots of little tasks that could be done to make it better.



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