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The Queen in Ireland

Guest pelmetman

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Guest pelmetman
The recent visit of her madge to Ireland seems to have gone down well :D ...........but I reckon if she had necked the pint of guiness in one............ would of earnt her a lot of respect :D
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Guest Peter James

Britain has borrowed billions to 'lend' to Ireland to bail them out.

Ask yourself why Ireland couldn't borrow it themselves from where we are borrowing it from .....

Not hard to see we are going to lose on this deal, whatever the politicians say.

So the Irish Republic could hardly refuse to invite them..




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Guest Peter James

Here we go. Only six months into the 'loan' and they are talking about dropping the interest rate already.

We have got about as much chance of seeing our money again as the 'Loan' to Iceland *-)


Who says Her Unelected Majesty the Queen isn't good for the (Irish) Economy *-)



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