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Wainwright's Walk

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We have an enquiry that we hope some of the readers of MMM may be able to help with.


My wife wants to do "Wainwright's Walk" whilst I (who is nowhere near as physically fit or enamoured by such an undertaking) move our motorhome from the starting point to the various places we need to stop at overnight before moving on the following day.


This raises three obvious questions, firstly have any other MMM readers experienced this walk in the manner in which we wish to undertake it?


Secondly neither of us wants my wife to attempt the walk on her own so is there anybody else in similar circumstances that we could perhaps join to complete it?


Thirdly does anybody know of suitable sites along the route for overnight stops?


I should explain that we have trawled the internet to no avail in our attempts to achieve our goal which we would dearly love to do next year (2012).


If anybody can help we'd love to hear from them at ianbren47@btinternet.com


Thanks in advance.


Ian & Brenda MacPherson

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Hi Ian & Brenda and welcome to the forum.


I think you may need to be more explicit as Wainwright did many walks.


Are you thinking of the coast to coast ? Maybe Googling that would bring you some info on places to stop.



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Hi Ian & Brenda

Like Malc, I assume you are refering to Wainwright's Coast to Coast route.

I can't claim to have done the Coast to Coast, all in one trip, but have covered most of the route at some time.


It can be difficult locating Campsites that will take a Motorhome, in some of the areas, once outside the Lake District.

Many Coast to Coast walkers rely on wild camping. Others use B&B's or camping Barns.


Possible using Club CL's or CS's will give your best options.


Firstly have a good understanding of your daily distance capability & work out an itinary based on that.

Then start searching for CL's / CS's at daily stopping points.

Some good advise is to locate & book your most remote nightstops first. Nothing worse than getting the majority booked only to find your most remote site is not available.


A couple of sites that should give you some background:-





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Unfortunately this may end up being one of those 'Not helpful at all' posts. However, there was an article in one of the Motorhome magazines where some people did the Coast to Coast walk. It was either MMM, Practical Motorhome or Motorhome Monthly. All I can suggest is that you go On-line to each of these publications and try doing a search using 'Coast to Coast Walk' ;-)
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Started the Coast to Coast with a mate. We wildcamped and each day drove both vans to the end of that day's stretch. Returned to the start and left the other van.


Unfortunately my dog went lame after 3 days. Carried on doing half days but I had to abandon as she didn't get any better.


Vet found a stone splinter in a paw. She now has a set of 'walking boots' for when I try again. *-)

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Big Momma - 2011-05-25 7:16 PM


Unfortunately this may end up being one of those 'Not helpful at all' posts. However, there was an article in one of the Motorhome magazines where some people did the Coast to Coast walk. It was either MMM, Practical Motorhome or Motorhome Monthly. All I can suggest is that you go On-line to each of these publications and try doing a search using 'Coast to Coast Walk' ;-)


I remember the article in MMM about 18 months ago, the script was fairly accurate but I remember one of the photos headed "the walk passes lonely Ennerdale" which it does, but the photo was of Grasmere from Helm Crag!

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Mike P - 2011-05-26 1:20 PM


Big Momma - 2011-05-25 7:16 PM


Unfortunately this may end up being one of those 'Not helpful at all' posts. However, there was an article in one of the Motorhome magazines where some people did the Coast to Coast walk. It was either MMM, Practical Motorhome or Motorhome Monthly. All I can suggest is that you go On-line to each of these publications and try doing a search using 'Coast to Coast Walk' ;-)


I remember the article in MMM about 18 months ago, the script was fairly accurate but I remember one of the photos headed "the walk passes lonely Ennerdale" which it does, but the photo was of Grasmere from Helm Crag!


It is an Editors ploy to gauge reader response. They print something that is wrong and people write in to tell them.....proves that someone looked at the article :D

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