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Plymouth Sound CC site - directions please!


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The Caravan Club Handbook gives dire warnings about following satnav and tells you to head to Plymouth down the A38 and double back up the A379.


Should I do this, or will I be OK following TomTom in my PVC?


Any advice would be greatly appreciated :-D

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I usually have a quick check on Google Streetview if I suspect the roads may be a bit "iffy".


Having just done this for the above CC site, I think I would be inclined to trust the CC's judgement.


I suspect a Satnav might try to take you off the A38 at the obvious slip road short of Plymouth, and guide you down this road:


http://tinyurl.com/4xhh4gs 8-)


....which is this width for a considerable distance.


Whilst narrow roads are an occupational hazard in Devon, I think I'd prefer a few more passing places.



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Guest Tracker

Roads in rural Devon can be a bit tight at times but I always used to go the shortest way and always coped OK.


I suspect the directions are written with large 4 wheels towed caravans and relatively inexperienced drivers in mind?


You might have to reverse a bit at times but that applies in lots of areas so unless you have a very large RV or are not overly confident in tight spaces I wouldn't worry too much.


Also be aware that most of the site is sloping and level pitches used to be in short supply. I have not been there in the last ten years so it may have changed!


Any amount of commercial delivery trucks and farm vehicles cope OK with the roads in Devon!

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Thanks guys :-D


TomTom wants me to get off at that junction, and then head west on a road to the north of the A38, which might be a happy medium. I will definitely avoid that lane on Street View!


I used to drive a Commer walk-through van around our Somerset lanes, which are pretty much the same as Devon's, with no problems.


The difference was that my employer insured it and I hadn't shelled out 40-odd grand for it. 8-)


Discretion is the better part of valour :$ :$ :$

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I regularly drive that way. My advice is stick to the CC route. However, Plymouth seems to have road works all over.

The roads leading to the site are a bit tight, but if you look ahead then you can judge whether to move into the next narrow section. When you get to Down Thomas the road to the site is between a house and a hedge. At first sight one might think that it is the wrong way. Go with it and the site is about 200 yds on the right. :-D

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Its easy to find if you follow the route as described in the CC book and access is very good, but get there as early as you can because half the site is sloping quite steeply, but great views of Plymouth sound watching all the ships coming in and out.


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Does this help? Straight off the CC web site.


"Leave A38 via slip road at Marsh Mills flyover & at roundabout turn left onto A374 (signposted Plymouth City Centre, Kingsbridge); in 1¾m move to offside lane & follow signs A379, Kingsbridge; cross Laira bridge & in about 2¼m turn right at 4th roundabout opposite Elburton Hotel (signposted Plymouth Sound CC Site, follow Langdon Court) into Springfield Road; within ½m at traffic lights turn left into Reservoir Road (signposted Wembury, Langdon Court); within further ½m turn right by garage into Staddiscombe Road; in ½m at T-junction turn left (signposted Down Thomas, Bovisand, Langdon Court); within 1m turn 2nd right (signposted Down Thomas, international caravan sign); within ½m turn right just past 20mph sign at village signpost Down Thomas into Bovisand Lane (narrow entrance). Site on right in 150yds (100yds past Club CL). Note: drive with caution along last 1m to site, road narrow and winding with passing bays."


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We shall be going there in the morning (Friday 27th May) as a stop over before the ferry.

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