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looking at new vans


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I went up to Emm&Bee caravans and motorhomes today to have a shufty around, vans priced from 18 to 96 grand, but to be quite honest none of the habitation layouts were as good as the van I have got now, so just out of curiosity I will have a day out next saturday and have a mooch round Todds leisure in Preston, who knows somehing might take my eye?
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Malc, always found Todds a good accessory place, M/H,s always well presented and looking in good nick but they did not come up with a decent p/x on my Duetto so didn't do a deal, Igot £2K more for it than they were willing to give when I parted with it. Campbell's are also close by a bit further up the road.



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knight of the road - 2011-05-30 11:20 PM I went up to Emm&Bee caravans and motorhomes today to have a shufty around, vans priced from 18 to 96 grand, but to be quite honest none of the habitation layouts were as good as the van I have got now, so just out of curiosity I will have a day out next saturday and have a mooch round Todds leisure in Preston, who knows somehing might take my eye?

Just a thought, if you are happy with the present layout why consider a change? If the inside is a bit tired get it reupholstered, pretty sure that the oily bits will outlast the shell, and if that leaks get it fixed!

The only 'joy' of a new motorhome is bringing a fat bonus for the salesman, tho' there are those people who must show off the latest and best at 'club meets'.

My old granny had the right idea " A fool and their money are soon parted"

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Whilst I would normally agree with what Retread24800 has said the truth is many of us with older vans are being forced to consider changing due to the ever increasing emmision requirements being thrust upon us even though we may be quite happy with what we have.



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Basil - 2011-06-02 9:37 PM Whilst I would normally agree with what Retread24800 has said the truth is many of us with older vans are being forced to consider changing due to the ever increasing emmision requirements being thrust upon us even though we may be quite happy with what we have. Bas

As I spend less amd less time motoring let alone Motorhomeing in Metroland. I shall worry about Emissions when it hits the countryside. That being said I always have the engine checked and serviced regularly....with Gasole at E1.35/l I would be an idiot not to.

As a Green aside It makes more sense to recycle the motorhome by keeping it running than it does to make a new one!

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Retread24800 - 2011-06-02 9:18 PM



As I spend less amd less time motoring let alone Motorhomeing in Metroland. I shall worry about Emissions when it hits the countryside. That being said I always have the engine checked and serviced regularly....with Gasole at E1.35/l I would be an idiot not to.


Trouble is, whilst the French seem to be taking a much more relaxed view, when you have got to pay £100 as you enter inside the M25 (which really is not London as such) then another £100 to come back out it does not leave much scope for people that live within the M25 ring. As others are looking at the same scenarios eg Manchester, Birmingham and Leeds to name a few there is going to be less and less scope to move in the UK


Retread24800 - 2011-06-02 9:18 PM

As a Green aside It makes more sense to recycle the motorhome by keeping it running than it does to make a new one!


On this I could not agree more, trying to explain that to the likes of Red Ken and Boris the peril is another matter entirely!



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If, like me, you have a retail book price of £15000 and to buy a new equivilant would cost C£65000, £50000 could buy you a Barn to store your van in la belle France or motorhome heaven as we call it. With change and no depreciation either!

Somewhere there is a discussion over fat cats moving their money abroad, is'nt this eco tax forcing us to join them abroad?

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Guest pelmetman

These low emission zones are all part of the great climate change con >:-( .........................What a great way to raise tax by telling the gullible we are saving the planet *-) .................This is just the start, and just like the scrappage scam it will one day prove to be a misstake *-)



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On reflection it would be pointless for me buy another van, the one we have got is spotless and has only got 24k on the clock, so I have decided to hoard and keep my money.

I go down to the bank every now and again to have a look and hold my money and I say I love and cherish every single pound of you.

They say there are no pockets in shrouds but I have asked my local undertaker if there are any resrtictions on being buried with a moneybelt strapped to my waist, he said none as far as he knows but he would not trust his embalmers to slip a few quid away when no one is looking?

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