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Ullswater Hellsite


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£80.00 for 3 nights of hell , screaming kids , screaming adults effing and jeffing infront of kids, worst supposed hardstanding pitch of all time , gypsy builder on next pitch parking his work van fully on my pitch , kids playing soccer all round motorhome , barking dogs in morning , barking dogs at night , some joker letting his alsation wander around the site , stench of someone burning all there plastic junk on the barbie and everybody cutting across my pitch to get to soddin clubhouse . Never again and if anybody cares for the site name PM me .
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Sorry to hear that Antony - but I have had my fair share of that sort of "hell" - one reason why we went for a seasonal pitch when we found an adults only one we like.


Also - having attended an Outward Bound course at the Ullswater centre - I have an abiding love for that area. I was there one January many years ago and a lot of the climbing we did was "alpine" in nature.


Wonderful stunning stuff.


Very sad that such an area is being trashed by some in the same way as we have experienced elswhere.


Very Sad.

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What a shame, such a lovely place. IMO the nicest lake in England and some good memories of when the two lads were younger, before our daughter arrived we would take them up Helvellyn and/or catch the boat up to Pooley Bridge and walk them back down the Eastern side of the lake, well we had to tire the little sods out somehow. :D

Hope it was just a one off antony.



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Guest peter

Must have been a private site, as none of the clubs would allow a gypo to bring his truck on the site. Never mind all the other goings on.

Are you sure you went in the right entrance and not the local councils travellers (thieves) site by mistake. :D

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