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Boston to Scotland


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Hi all, wifey wants to go to Scotland the last week in June for a week, we rather fancy straight up the A1 for the first stop in Berwick. Then up to Inverness, down Loch Ness either north coast or south (smaller road) onto Fort William, Oban then around Loch Lomond before heading for the A1 homeward bound to Boston. Has anyone got any recommendations for good sites or maybe a better route or would it be too much just for one week?.
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Hi there,


If you are going to the Inverness area, you could stop a night or two at the Brin Herb Nursery (free). Margaret is always pleased to see a forum member.


Your thread is on page one of 'Motorhome matters'. If you go to the bottom of the page and click on page three, you will get details of this weekends meet there (Highland Gathering). It will give you contact details for Margaret.


Don't forget to fill up your fuel tank in the big retail park just before you enter Inverness. It is the cheapest for miles around.

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Guest peter
I agree with the above two posts. Scotland and back in a week is pushing it. Plus you won't have time to see all the beautiful places. Loch lomond area alone deserves at least two or three days.
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For a short Scottish trip I would recomend you head for the Trossacs the area around Callendar to Killin is fantastic this time of year and just far enough to enjoy the sights in one week. A1 Scotch Corner / A66 Penrith and then just head north.
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Try to get an extra week, or two, or three added...... it would be time well spent :-D


We love getting across to the west coast and have stayed at North Ledaig site near Oban and Bunree site near Fort William, both lovely CC sites.

Both are achievable in a long day, but even from Durham are a long drive.


If you do end up continuing up the A1, or returning via Berwick, my parents recently stayed at the CC site in Spittal and they highly recommend it.

Its very close to the A1 and on the south side of the Tweed, overlooking Berwick.

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Used to live near Boston (Butterwick) and travelled to Scotland twice from their both on 14 day holidays which was more than manageable. Don't have a record of what sites I used as it was some years ago now but I would recommend travelling beyond Berwick and making your way to Caravan Club site at Edinburgh. Fantastic site, opposite 'Firth of Forth' and very long promenade (walk or cycle). Al;so convenient bus straight from site to/from City Centre.


If you do go up to Inverness then down again remember that it is a very busy tourist route so allow time for slower moving traffic e.g. loads and loads of tourist coaches especially around Loch Ness & Loch Lomond.

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Thanks for the tips we'll certainly take note of your comments, as we're flat out at work can only manage a week just now, its more of a recce for when we have more time. Can't believe there's all those 'tourists' about just when we want to go, ah well! we'll take the rough with the smooth and see what happens.
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I have done this trip in a week so it is possible. A motorhome is designed for touring, the van based designed to eat up lots of miles. Put the two together, stay out of the cold and rain and away from midges in your van, and you can have a great time drinking tea and eating cake. Sure, you will spend a lot of time in the van but you can see a lot through a windscreen.


It's probably a 1,000 miles or so but over 700 of those is getting to and from the Highlands. Set off Saturday night say 9pm, drive through the night - being careful to have rest stops - and you could be having breakfast in Inverness 12 hours later. Leave Loch Lomond on Friday, and breakfast at home on Saturday.


Night driving in a motorhome can be relaxing, the radio comforting and you feel an affinity with other travellers, particularly the night trunkers in their lorries. Just make sure you are happy driving for up to 8 hours in the dark. It's not for everyone. The sun rising as you drive along is an absolutely brilliant feeling with the first cuppa of the morning. There are plenty of 24 hour petrol stations although they are not cheap. One full tank will get you most of the way.


Using the night and weekends for travel, means you can have a Sunday rest day and Monday - Thursday to tour the Great Glen and Loch Lomond. Once we stayed at the CC at Culloden, just outside Inverness, and were easily able to visit Fort William and return in a day. The benefit of staying on one site is that you can opt nor to travel every day if it is tiring, the drawback is that it will be more miles to drive as you go out for days.


There will never be enough days in your life to see Scotland in all its majesty so don't worry about only having a week. Take a good site book and a mobile telephone [reception can be mixed] and you could probably plan your trip a day at a time. The Scottish Tourist Board is helpful.


Like you, we find it difficult to get more than a week off work so adapt to that and cram more into the days we have.


Have a good time whatever you decide.

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