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Hard standing for parking on


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We want to put our mortorhome on our front garden. At the moment it is just flagged with cheap flags that are not suitable. We need to do it cheaply but with something that will be suitable . Any ideas please



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Why not simply park it where you want it and if, as, and when the ground compacts under the weight just reinforce the areas that the wheels stand on and run over?


It will only look shabby when the van is away but as you won't be looking at it at that time because you too will be away with the van will that matter?


The only real issue is that when you are away the big emptyy space screams out to every scumbag that the house is unoccupied so good security is very important and if you can leave a car standing there instead of the van so much the better?

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Hi Mafoot,


Welcome to the forum.


Not sure how big or how heavy your MH is, but I laid 50mm thick concrete paving flags bedded on a 75mm thick concrete and it serves our needs very well. Our MH weighs in at 5 tonne maximum, 2 tonnes of which is on the front axle.


If you do the job yourself the costs would be kept to a minimum. I would budget approximately £15/meter square plus the dreaded vat.



John & Anne.

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In an earlier life we needed a hard standing in our garden in N Devon, the site was flat but the subsoil was sandy. fortunately there was some building work nearby and by bribeing the builders ( 2 cans of Stella) they dumped the waste ( hardcore) on our garden which we later flattened off using a wacker plate (more Stella), we then laid Thick paving slabs (About 1 1/2 in thick from memory and VERY heavy) on a base of 6 parts sand to 1 part cement, we only laid the slabs in the wheel tracks to save costs, and we then laid Geotextile in the gaps and covered with gravel. job done and when we visited the UK 7 years later the H/S still looked good as new.

You should tho' be aware that a H/S in front of the building line may cause 'planning' problems but what the hell !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

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I think it's really down to what the sub-base is.

If it's compacted well enough, then even cheap flags shouldn't be a problem, although they may crack a bit if they're unveven.

I'm a bit mystified why John & Anne went to the trouble of putting paving on top of the concrete.

Unless it was purely for levels, it would have been cheaper (and easier to maintain) to have gone for an extra inch thickness of concrete.

If you're not too bothered about appearances (does Hyacinth live next door, maybe?) then a plain hardcore base would probably be cheapest.

Only suggesting here folks, not meaning to criticise. :-|

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Hi Gwen & welcome to the forum.

Whatever method you decide to go for, if using a Contractor please ensure you tell them that the hardstanding must be suitable for the gross weight (MAM) of your vehicle.

Otherwise they may lay one only suitable for a car.

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If you'd like to retain(or regain) a little lawn,you could maybe look at using some of these:




..it's all very well people paving and concretingtheir front garden..but when everyone does it..the next thing you know,is that everyone is amazed as to why their street now floods!?


(..it's what has happend around our way... "..we've been 'ere ten years and it's never done it before..!? " ) *-)


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