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Get a life


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I love this forum, it's more valuable than gold dust. The help that we give and receive is the stuff that community living is all about. Mr Cameron would be proud of us.


But I can't help thinking that there are a few amongst us who sit down every evening and scan through the forum with the sole purpose of posting fatuous replies that are not especially funny, witty or more importantly, helpful.


Make it short, make it funny by all means, but make it useful.

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Hi Stan,


I couldn't agree more with you.


If you look around I think that you will find that most of this fatuous nonsense emanates from one source only -- Brian refers to the poster as:-" the strange one" and Donna as "Sicknote".

If you look at several of today's posts I think that you will find that the tide is turning against him (or her)


I can only support your final sentence wholeheartedly and urge all of us to take it to heart.





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If my assumption is correct then this thread relates to one individual. If again that assumption is correct then there are now 3 Separate threads regarding this same individual. Just STOP these posts otherwise you are continuing to feed this individuals ego, arrogance whatever you want to call it. *-)
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Mike, that's the best, most useful post I've read on here for ages. Thank you for summing it up so succinctly.


Goodness only knows what a newcomer to motorhoming might think if they came on this forum for the first time, looking for help and generally trying to find out what it's all about, and then finding all this bickering and sniping. If it were me, I'd high-tail it and go and buy a tent instead.


To the ones who cause all this bother, please just don't do it any more.

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I dont really care.

Forums from my experience mirror society in a way, and tend to reflect different personalitys. People fall out and arguments get heated in real life and on the web. Sometimes people are not being particularily serious or expect to be taken literaly and in real life you would know it, the trouble with the web is that you cant see body language so have to rely on smileys.


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I have had heaps of help on the forum since I joined, there are some really nice geninue people who have given me top class advice and have been a godsend - it was all very new to us.


I have at times looked at stuff and been saddened by their aggressive tones and at one point I didn't bother coming on the forum.


It would be lovely if it could be a nice place to chat most of the time :)

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Here we go again!


I feel that giving a thread the title 'Get a Life' is verging on the unpleasant, no matter how well intentioned the post is!


All posts serve a purpose, some positive, some negative.


The worst just show up the poster for what they are, BUT, at the same time that post keeps the subject in the 'top ten' as it were and gets a bigger audience for the original poster.


I find some quite amusing and like to watch the spats from the sidelines - there are some very stupid people in the world and Motorhome forii get their fair share. However, even stupid people must be given the chance to air their views so if you don't like what someone writes, STOP READING that post or that posters contributions! It is that simple.


(PS - I am not shouting just emphasising my point! )

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....the point I'm trying to make, and aultymer seems to have missed it, is that a FORUM is meant to provide a medium for 'open discussion on subjects of public interest' (not my definition, by the way).


Incidentally, I wasn't pointing the finger at anyone in particular. Most of us have something useful to say, it's just that many discussions that run their course seem to end up in useless chit-chat.


If you want to waste cyberspace chatting, go to a Chat-room.

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It would be totally invidious to single out any one of your four potential candidates, Nick! :-) Best treated as equally applicable to them all!


What I would like to say in response to an earlier point, is that one does not always know whether a poster is just bad at expressing themselves, or is being deliberately provocative (albeit one soon finds out!). The arguments about free speech, and having a right to an opinion, are all well and good, but what those who advance them in their defence seem to forget, is that the same is equally true for everyone else. So, if they make statements that are factually inaccurate, potentially misleading, controversial, or offencive, anyone else has an equal right to disagree, correct, challenge, or express displeasure.


For them then to try to hide behind a right to free speech, or a right to an opinion, is not, and never has been, some get out of jail free card, it is merely an immature attempt at a form of bullying. That one may say whatever one likes is true, but to believe whatever one says will be without consequence is not just naive, it is wrong. Say the wrong thing, in the wrong place, at the wrong time, and one can end up in court. Free speech has its limits, is not without consequence, and should be used with judgement, and responsibly. These particular individuals seem not to have understood that part of the compact.

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I don't often post here and may have missed something, but isn't the 'Chatterbox' area provided for threads that are not directly related to motorhomes and their use?


Um, wouldn't that be threads like this one?



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Normally, John, yes, but it stems from recent history in Motorhome Matters, so would be likely to have been missed by many of those it is intended for if placed in Chatterbox. If you missed the shenanigans, you're lucky: it wasn't very enlightening, except as an insight into the trouble and chaos one or two destructive and disagreeable individuals can cause.
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I see your point, John (Dixie). But if you want get a message to the folk who 'inhabit' a particular area, you have to post in that area. Chatterbox probably wouldn't reach them.


If you want an example of my gripe, go and have a look at the thread entitled 'Naughty Caravan Clubs'. Buried in amongst the useful discussion is a private, verbal battle between francisgraham and someone called pelmetman. Both of these people were obviously trying to wind up each other to breaking point.

And this diatribe went on for THREE, yes THREE pages!


I lost the will to live after page three and went to water the garden, probably missing some really useful stuff on page four.

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I suppose were there are different views , opinions etc then there is always going to be some heated exchanges as there are in everyday discussions in all walks of life . I would say my big dislike would be the way certain individuals post in what comes across as a patronising , holier than thou way and seem to take it on themselves to act as moderators . Of course there is always the option of not reading , watching or listening to something that you dislike and Mike I am not tryin to argue with ya mate (lol)
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John.N - 2011-06-09 9:58 AM


Bless you Brian for bringing your usual common sense and wise argument into this appalling subject. If you are not a member of the judiciary you ought to be. Society would be the richer for it.


If Brian was a member of the judiciary, there would be no forum members. He would have sent us all down, and I would probably be the first to be sentenced to be hanged by him. :D :D



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Guest JudgeMental
nowtelse2do - 2011-06-09 1:15 PM


John.N - 2011-06-09 9:58 AM


Bless you Brian for bringing your usual common sense and wise argument into this appalling subject. If you are not a member of the judiciary you ought to be. Society would be the richer for it.


If Brian was a member of the judiciary, there would be no forum members. He would have sent us all down, and I would probably be the first to be sentenced to be hanged by him. :D :D




Nooooo.... that is my domain you impudent scallywag!......I have not dedicated 30 years on the bench to be superseded so easily by that upstart Kirby! (anyway... he is far to reasonable IMO:-S )


let that be 5000 lashes and 250 years hard labour for you sir! and believe me you have gotten of lightly!. *-)

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John.N - 2011-06-09 9:58 AM


Bless you Brian for bringing your usual common sense and wise argument into this appalling subject. If you are not a member of the judiciary you ought to be. Society would be the richer for it.


Ahem, I seem temporarily to have mislaid my black cap, otherwise I might accept! :-D

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Guest JudgeMental
Brian Kirby - 2011-06-09 5:42 PM


John.N - 2011-06-09 9:58 AM


Bless you Brian for bringing your usual common sense and wise argument into this appalling subject. If you are not a member of the judiciary you ought to be. Society would be the richer for it.


Ahem, I seem temporarily to have mislaid my black cap, otherwise I might accept! :-D



Just remember for a minute........I know where you live! You damned usurper! :-D

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