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JudgeMental - 2011-06-09 1:35 PM


nowtelse2do - 2011-06-09 1:15 PM


John.N - 2011-06-09 9:58 AM


Bless you Brian for bringing your usual common sense and wise argument into this appalling subject. If you are not a member of the judiciary you ought to be. Society would be the richer for it.


If Brian was a member of the judiciary, there would be no forum members. He would have sent us all down, and I would probably be the first to be sentenced to be hanged by him. :D :D




Nooooo.... that is my domain you impudent scallywag!......I have not dedicated 30 years on the bench to be superseded so easily by that upstart Kirby! (anyway... he is far to reasonable IMO:-S )


let that be 5000 lashes and 250 years hard labour for you sir! and believe me you have gotten of lightly!. *-)


looks like i've got off lightly then judge :-( Thank you, very merciful

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Guest pelmetman
stantheman - 2011-06-08 7:02 PM


I see your point, John (Dixie). But if you want get a message to the folk who 'inhabit' a particular area, you have to post in that area. Chatterbox probably wouldn't reach them.


If you want an example of my gripe, go and have a look at the thread entitled 'Naughty Caravan Clubs'. Buried in amongst the useful discussion is a private, verbal battle between francisgraham and someone called pelmetman. Both of these people were obviously trying to wind up each other to breaking point.

And this diatribe went on for THREE, yes THREE pages!


I lost the will to live after page three and went to water the garden, probably missing some really useful stuff on page four.


Someone mention my name? :D ....................Perhaps us scallywags should leave the forum to you serious types :$ ......................................................But where's the fun in that >:-)




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Hello Gang,


I just posted something on the juddergate thread and then realised that the good folk are probably fed up with that thread and most likely avoiding it. I would like to know what my elders and betters think about it though; so if it's not too much trouble.....





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Guest pelmetman
stantheman - 2011-06-10 5:11 PM


See what I mean?


I rest my case, your honours!


If you can't beat them join in (lol) ...................I blame that Brian chap, he's a bad influence on us youngsters :D

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Guest JudgeMental
pelmetman - 2011-06-10 6:33 PM


stantheman - 2011-06-10 5:11 PM


See what I mean?


I rest my case, your honours!


If you can't beat them join in (lol) ...................I blame that Brian chap, he's a bad influence on us youngsters :D


Me thinks someones had a humour bypass......get a grip, get a life and lighten up



Contrary to popular opinion....I am a sensitive soul! Easily moved but deeply upset by recent verbal shenanigans on here...It was enough to put moi off my favourite Gentleman's sports (beer baiting and dog /cock fighting) and I have not enjoyed my brandy and Port for minutes.... :-S

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Hi Nick just read your suggestion and its spot on. Not that I read juddergate as I have a 13year old Eldiss but I even reverse that using the clutch as rear vision is not good enough for full out with safety and the clutch doesn't seem to mind, not that I have to reverse very often. John 8-)
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Guest JudgeMental
THE SHEPHERD - 2011-06-13 10:51 AM


Thank you gentlemen all, I had not even noticed that there was a chatterbox, how sad is that, I must have missed lots of very infomative info, or not.TS


Not really...bunch of nutters over there :-D

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JudgeMental - 2011-06-13 11:48 AM


THE SHEPHERD - 2011-06-13 10:51 AM


Thank you gentlemen all, I had not even noticed that there was a chatterbox, how sad is that, I must have missed lots of very infomative info, or not.TS


Not really...bunch of nutters over there :-D


Take no notice of the Judge SHEPHERD, chatterbox is where he gets his knowledge and inspiration from :-D


Off to York now for a couple of days, see you when I get back, By.



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