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Overnight stay near Dover?

purple princess

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We are travelling from Lancashire to La Reserve (large Siblu site) near to Mimzan in France later this year, our ferry at Dover is very early morning, does anyone know anywhere we could park up (with the caravan of course) for a few hours sleep? Also has anyone driven down to La Reserve, where did you stay en route?? Cheers
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Good evening Your Highness, and welcome!

I'm not usually on here (being of the motorhoming persuasion), but I noticed your thread on the front page.


There are lay-bys on both motorways as you approach Dover, where truckers often sleep over.

There's also a road on the front called Marine Parade, which runs behind the Premier Inn, where early-ferry motorhomers usually hang out overnight. I'm not sure whether caravans are officially allowed there, but if your ferry is really early, and you don't mind motorhomers for company, I can't imagine who would try to stop you (or rather, make you GO!).

If you ask on "Motorhome Matters" (yes, we'll let you!) someone who's used Marine Parade recently will probably tell you what the signs there actually say. It's free of charge until 8am.

Enjoy your trip!

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I'm also a Motorhomey but the last time I needed to stay near Dover ferry port (and if you would prefer a site) I stopped at Primrose Cottage, Whitstable CT5 3AR a traditional Caravan site nice and Green but with spotless facilities. Its on the Thanet way and so a straight drive to the port, early starts are a speciality!!!!
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This is turning into a Motorhome forum.


In April we stayed at Fir Tree farm Campsite a nice camp field with few amenities


Fir Tree Farm,

Chapel Lane

Rhodes Minnis






Just 15-20 mins from the port and only £8 for the night inc Electric. Water and disposal but no toilets or showers though.





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  • 4 weeks later...

We have done this trip quite a few times but stopping at St. Julien en Bon, just outside Mimizan.

We always stop at the Camping Municipal at Ste. Maure de Terraine on the way down. It is a brilliant site, completely flat and there is a supermarket about 200 yards up the road on your way back on to the main road and a short walk into the town.

It is 303 miles from Calais and then 254 miles from Ste. Maure's to Mimizan (I know it's sad, but we always keep a holiday log). That is travelling by the normal roads, not motorways.

We usually stay on a Caravan Club CL in or around Dover, I wouldn't recommend parking along the road and if you park on the dock at Dover it is very noisy. There are a lot of 'wanderers' around during the night - same as Calais. We have parked at Clacket Lane services before now.

Enjoy your holiday. We love it around Mimizan and that was the first place we went to in France and have returned about five times.

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Well thank you everyone... the site half way sounds perfect!!

Think we'll be giving marine parade a visit (we'll have to be off about 5.30 so middle of the night for most anyway!!)

Has anyone got any more tips about travelling in France, we've got the triangle, hi vis jackets, fire extinguisher etc, anything else we should be aware of, thanks

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Spare light bulbs are also supposed to be carried.

You need your car V5 and insurance cert with you in the car plus ideally your passports; these we bury well out of sight, not in the glovebox.

If you are the driver and are asked or need to get out of the car on the public road, switch it off first.

If your tow car has a GTW [Gross Train Weight] of 3500 kgs or over [check on its Weights plate], then whilst towing you are very restricted on the maximum speeds you can tow at. Only 50 mph on all roads other than those dual carriageways with a solid divider barrier between the carriages and on these its 56 mph. [ Actual figures are 80 and 90 Kph]

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