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Selling in France


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Our 3L Autotrail Tracker EKS is on the market (in MMM) and as it is left hand drive one option might be to try and sell in France, perhaps to (or through) a dealer, Any advice / suggestions / pitfalls / problems would be appreciated. We are delighted with the van but there are personal reasons for selling.



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Thought I would reply as a fellow but ex Exonian!

You might find an British person over here who would be interested, but they would want it registered in France before the sale, If you read the threads about registering a UK van in France as a non French resident I'm not sure/convinced that it would be possible anyway unless you have a second home here. I'm not sure you would want the hassle :-)

The chances of selling to a French/German are slim, UK vans are built for the UK market.

UK LHD vans are quite popular in the UK because lots of people holiday on the mainland because the offshore islands have insufficient room to provide proper facilities for Motorhomes or Camping Cars as we call them. 

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Rather than hit the edit button again.

 I should add that Les Dealers 8o| are even more rapacious overhere, there will be much Gum sucking and they will give you a P/X that will give them a 50% mark up,also Forecourt price will be lowish as a UK van. I would have thought a UK sale privately would be much more advantageous.

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Guest JudgeMental
I nearly sold my Euramobil to a chap in France but by the time he sold his camper my van had gone to Germany in PX (very good price) Guess thats not a lot of help....Just advertise it on www.Mobile.de?
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It is a bit of a one-off, Roy. I too doubt you will get much joy in France.

As Roger says, it is a UK layout, not much favoured elsewhere.

It would have to be exported to France and re-registered, but presumably has the habitation door on the UK side, which will meet immediate resistance from the French authorities. This is well documented. So, anyone buying will be confronted with additional, unwelcome, work. Bad start!

There is also the potential time and cost involved in viewing.

Where you may have some joy is if you tried the Channel Islands, where some of the tastes are a bit more UK oriented and many store, and use, their vans in France to avoid the narrow CI roads and expensive ferries. However, as above, viewing becomes difficult.

I think sale to someone in UK who would like a LHD van, but prefers a UK layout, will be your best bet. For this, you will need to reach as wide an audience as possible, because the potential market will be quite small. Could you set up a website with as many key words as possible? It would seem to be the ideal medium if you want a private sale.

Alternatively, have you considered a large Autotrail dealer, preferably near a major centre of population? Not for sale, but to place on their forecourt on a sale or return basis? We did this with our first van and it was successful. "Our" dealer was just off the M25 to the east of London, so had lots of casual visitors. You are more distant, but perhaps someone near Bristol, so that Cardiff, Newport, Gloucester, Cheltenham, and Swindon are also within reasonable motorway strike?

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Guest peter

What's all this negativity regarding LHD van's?, I realise that most people in the u/k prefer RHD, because they have no intention of crossing that stretch of water. But quite a few of us do, and prefer a van that is at home so to speak on the other side. I personally actually prefer LHD in the u/k, as you can see the edge of the road /stone wall more easilly when driving down small roads.

Unfortunately my current van is RHD as it had the layout I was looking for.

Both my previous vans have been LHD and had no trouble with p/x. My last van sold for 3k less than I paid for it 2 yrs ago, which aint bad in my view.

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peter - 2011-06-12 10:44 PM


What's all this negativity regarding LHD van's?, I realise that most people in the u/k prefer RHD, because they have no intention of crossing that stretch of water. But quite a few of us do, and prefer a van that is at home so to speak on the other side. I personally actually prefer LHD in the u/k, as you can see the edge of the road /stone wall more easilly when driving down small roads.


Couldn't agree more Peter. We ordred it new and I would do the same again. I thought I might be unusual in doing so and it seems maybe not. Even if I was only going "over the water" for a few weeks rather than a few months my own experience tells me LHD every time. BUT how many others are there out there who think the same?


Roy Fuller

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Guest JudgeMental

Just get it advertised today or you will miss peak of the Market...Now?


I would use MMM, E Bay, and some of the free sites? caravan club/pre loved/caravan selecta.


I did not realise yours was UK spec on LHD chassis so I think you are better selling it here......


we only advertised here and had interest from Germany and France. German chap went to gernan dealer for a look at our model and bought a lower spec van from them! French chap really wanted it but by the time he sold his van mine was already gone........

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peter - 2011-06-12 10:44 PM


What's all this negativity regarding LHD van's?, I realise that most people in the u/k prefer RHD, because they have no intention of crossing that stretch of water. .......................


Don't think it is negativity, Peter, but a rather disagreeable reality. Roy has a UK made and registered van, with a popular UK layout, on a LHD chassis (presumably with left dipping headlamps and an MPH speedometer). So, it is not your average LHD import with a "continental" layout.


He asked about selling it abroad, not about selling in UK, and it is in that context I think he would struggle. That is why I suggest he will be better off selling the UK product in UK.


However, as you acknowledge, LHD appeals mostly to those who motorhome mainly abroad, and they are not the majority group in the UK market. He then has to reach among that smaller group, those who want a van with his layout. That further narrows his target group.


That isn't intended to be negative, it is just intended to state where Roy is, in the hope it will help him succeed in targeting his reduced, rather specialist, market.

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Another point regarding selling on mainland Europe.

AFAIK Autotrail do not have ANY Dealers over the channel.

So for potential owners that would also be a negative.


It would not be like many Motorhomes imported to the UK, where the French /German /Italian manufacturers have UK Dealerships set-up.

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I don't think you will have that much trouble. Granted you need someone who wants LHD first and foremost, but many who do, then seem to dislike the continental layouts, so opt for RHD. You'll probably take a bigger hit financially because of the LHD, but the UK layout on a LHD chassis will be a positive for some.


Maybe something along the lines of "Do you spend time travelling abroad, and wish you could have a UK manufactured van, with a UK layout, on a Europe friendly LHD chassis? Well, now you can."

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Brian Kirby - 2011-06-14 2:01 PM I don't think you will have that much trouble. Granted you need someone who wants LHD first and foremost, ."

It might be useful to place a small ad in one of the France related Forums ie

Anglo Info  

or Total France

or Complete France  

All of which seem to have some UK based readership who have  Francophile leanings  ;-)  all of which are detailed here:-

Survive France     

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Thanks Roger, some usefull links. Brian I like your optimism, it is one of those "it makes sense to me, so why not to everyone" situations. Anyway nil desperandum (sorry if the spelling is wrong, never did Latin) *-) *-)



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Guest JudgeMental

I dont think you will have a problem selling it, but if you want rid of it soon you are missing the season....


I am surprised you have had no interest from MMM......Is the price right?


I would try the other avenues of advertising as well, as suggested earlier

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JudgeMental - 2011-06-14 10:35 PM


I am surprised you have had no interest from MMM......Is the price right?


I would try the other avenues of advertising as well, as suggested earlier


Yep done all that. I think the price is right but as we all know it is only worth what someone is willing to pay. I am willing to listen if someone wants to talk price. I am not so desparate however to put it on ebay with no reserve!!!!!!! Ebay doesn't seem to work for motorhome anyway.


Roy Fuller

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Guest JudgeMental
Ebay works very well for motorhomes. You can put add up today and its instant? unlike MMM which can take forever when you want to sell.......it is an excellent and cheap advertising resource. Always put a phone number so prospective buyers can contact you directly. do it on a "buy it now" or set a reserve you are happy with, but be realistic......Its easy to end an auction early if you get an offer elesewhere
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