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Confused about LCD Readout

Big Momma

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Can you Techy type people help me understand in a very simplistic manner (and I mean simple for a non-technical numpty) the following issue. I have a 2010 Autotrail Comanche and it came fitted with a 85w Solar Panel. I cannot find anything that shows how I know how much power is going into the batteries from the Solar Panel (if any) so how do I know that it is actually working ? Other problem, my control panel does show the state of my Leisure Batteries (I have 2 x 110Amp) and also the state of my Engine Battery. There is also a reading that shows how much Ampage I am using (I am assuming that this is showing the power usage from the leisure batteries ?), however, when everything is switched off, all power buttons, inverter, status tv booster, fridge etc the gauge shows a reading of -7.2A surely this should read 0A ? shouldn't it ? If on a sunny day when the van is parked outside my house but not being used, the reading should be in the positive as I am not using any power but the solar panel should be putting something into the leisure batteries ?


We have just returned from a weekend away where we had no EHU so had to rely on leisure batteries. The reading was at -7.2A and did increase/decrease as we turned things on and off. But the start reading is always -7.2A, Help please, is this right ?


I am assuming that the Alarm and Tracker are powered via vehicle battery and so should not affect the leisure battery reading *-)

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From the brochure, it looks as though this will be the Sargent EC325 panel.


The instructions for this imply that the current reading should take into account anything coming from the Solar Panel (always assuming this has been wired in through the panel, and isn't installed entirely separately).


Your general issue may well be that the panel isn't calibrated. (i.e. it measures from a set "zero" level - which may or may not have been correctly set).


The first thing to do would be to recalibrate the panel (i.e. reset the zero level).


The instructions for this are published by Sargent (and you should really have had a copy included with your documentation) and can be downloaded from Sargent at:




Recalibration instructions are at the top of page 13.

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Robinhood - 2011-06-12 8:00 PM


From the brochure, it looks as though this will be the Sargent EC325 panel.


The instructions for this imply that the current reading should take into account anything coming from the Solar Panel (always assuming this has been wired in through the panel, and isn't installed entirely separately).


Your general issue may well be that the panel isn't calibrated. (i.e. it measures from a set "zero" level - which may or may not have been correctly set).


The first thing to do would be to recalibrate the panel (i.e. reset the zero level).


The instructions for this are published by Sargent (and you should really have had a copy included with your documentation) and can be downloaded from Sargent at:




Recalibration instructions are at the top of page 13.


Very many thanks, I will check out the website as suggested. Other than perhaps a screwdriver to take off the control panel cover, will I need any special equipment associated to the re-calibration (told you I was a techy numpty) :D

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If yours is the EC325 panel, then it looks like (with the exception of switching the charger off - a switch on the charger) it is all accomplished using the panel - no tools necessary. It would appear to be a simple procedure.


Things aren't always as easy as they read - but let's hope so!


I don't know much about Sargent stuff personally, but the calibration issue came up in answering an earlier question about waste-water readings.


If it doesn't get you anywhere, then I understand Sargent are pretty good answering queries via the contact facilities on the website.

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Just to confirm, followed your instructions (and those in the EC325 Manual) to recalibrate and it worked a treat, very many thanks for this. It's simple when you know how and I have now learnt a few additional things about the EC325 Unit that I didn't know before, so once again thank you.


It's what I like about this forum, no matter what the question there is always someone out there with an explanation, answer or suggestion, absolutely brilliant :D

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