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Black specks in Thetford flush water


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I have a Thetford C2 with the separate flush tank, I use Thetford pink additive in this tank. I have been getting black specks in the water when flushing the loo, but it's getting worse, in fact, if not used for a few days the water comes out totally black at first.

Anyone out there know what causes this problem and what's the cure?

There is a black rubber hose that connects to the glass tube which acts as the level gauge, could this be breaking up?

Suggestions will greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Mike.

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This is what we did:




Drain tank.


Throw away all bottles of rubbish and uber-expensive Theford "pink" stuff.


Refill tank with fresh water


Add some cheapo automatic washing machine liquid instead...choose your preferred fragrance at Lidl/Aldi.







Save loads of dosh, works a treat, and no more black bits :-D

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