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The Double skillet


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Hi All, I purchased a double skillet a while ago after much help and advice from the forum. I am doing ok with it but can't seem to get the top pan to cook anything. I know I have to have the gas down low, with the diffuser under the bottom one and I know you put boiling water into the top if you are going to steam veg, but it seems to take forever....


Also I think it was Mel that said she does a wicked toad in the hole in the skillet, it's not in the recipe book and wondered if you could give me some pointers. I had a go but ended up burning the yorkshire pudding bit, I pre cooked the sausages to a point before adding the batter and then left it with the top skillet pan on top of the bottom one....


thanks K

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Guest JudgeMental

Mel seems to be very quiet of late.....perhaps she is away.


I dont have a skillet, but I thought the defuser goes inside the pan not under it? maybe..maybe not :-D

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Hi, Yes goes under the whole thing to spread the heat and not burn just the centre.


You need a very hot heat for yorkshire puds and do not be tempted to touch or check the item until correct time is almost up, not a clue what the correct time would be on a skillet though.


we bought one off someone on here, 4 years ago and don't think I have used it once a year so far *-)



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Hi Mandy and Andy


I have used mine for cooking chicken dishes - but only like a traditional saucepan, the bottom pan on one ring and the top pan on another. I haven't tried jacket potatoes, toasted sandwiches etc yet. I did try the yorkshire pudding, which I did ensure fat was hot but it ended up black on bottom and cooked on top, think my heat might have been too high. I will have to experiment if I can be bothered ;-)


I was a bit disappointed that the veg does not cook on the top like the video tells you but I might be doing it all wrong.



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t5tripper - 2011-06-15 8:53 AM


Hi All, I purchased a double skillet a while ago after much help and advice from the forum. I am doing ok with it but can't seem to get the top pan to cook anything. I know I have to have the gas down low, with the diffuser under the bottom one and I know you put boiling water into the top if you are going to steam veg, but it seems to take forever....


thanks K


Yes - boiling water in the top one but only a small amount - Half a cup at the most. No potatoes in the top pan, they go in the bottom.


Typical meal -bottom pan meat (chicken with skin on (skin side down) lamb, pork) in the middle, potatoes round the outside - top pan veg (anything at all but not too big (and no potatoes) half a cup of boiling water. Put lid on


Low gas - after half an hour turn meat over (possibly potatoes as well) - check again about 10 mins later - keep checking until meat and potatoes are nicely browned - can be anything from 45 mins to an hour depending on the gas.


Everything cooked even the veg - eat and enjoy :-) - didn't use the difuser - use that for baked potatoes

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I asked the lady at the MMM show today (I bought my two from her at one of the MMM shows) how to cook Yorkshire Pudding in them.


She said to put oil in the bottom pan then put the lid on and wait until the oil gets very hot, once hot pour in your mixture and put the lid back on,


Obviously it will only cook in the bottom pan so take the lid off and turn over with a pair of tongs in order to cook the other side.


Goodnes think I will stick to Aunt Bessies when in the van lol (lol)

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Not guilty ref the Yorkshire pudding/toad in the hole, but I will give it a try sometime. I don't think you should need to turn the pudding over though - if you've heated the 'top' pan sufficiently on the gas before placing it on top of the other one it should keep nice and hot as per an oven - are you heating the top pan sufficiently before putting it over the other and not 'peeking'??? With all things you do in the double skillet, if you keep opening it up, or taking the glass lid off, it will take a lot longer as it has to build up the heat again.


I have done toasted sarnies though and they are scrumptious, pizza was very quick and easy too! Oh, and chicken with roast spuds too ..... got addicted to them in France last year. *-)


If anyone has a double skillet they are wanting to dispose of please PM me with details and how much they want for it - I could do with another one for home, either a large or small one. :-D

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Hi Mel


Oh my mistake, sorry !


A few things that you mentioned makes sense, yes, I do keep taking the lid off to stir things and no I wasn't heating the bottom one to start with.....


So will give that all a go and see what happens......


Thanks for the help



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I think they're on about turning the Yorkshire pudding over manually, ie by opening the pans up and then putting the top pan back on again afterwards, not turning the whole thing over. :-S


The trick with the double skillet, as I understand it, is that when doing a lot of the stuff you have to treat it as an oven and that means getting it hot (both top and bottom pans) BEFORE you put the food in - so for a Yorkshire pud, you'd have the base pan on the heat, warming through nicely, and at the same time the top pan warming through, you'd then put the mixture in the bottom one and once the fat was nice and hot, put the top pan on and LEAVE IT ALONE!!!


Just think of it as an oven - you wouldn't keep opening the door to check on the stuff inside, you'd just lose all the heat, it's the same with the skillet - if I do have to take the top pan off, to turn the roast spuds etc, I keep it upside down to retain the heat in it, then plop it back on, it soon gets back up to temperature that way.



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