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Anybody use a TomTom 700 ??


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Yes, we have a 700 and it does work independently on battery. However, I don't know how long for (check the TomTom website for product details - it'll be in there somewhere) and it is also an awkward shape and size for carrying. You would also need an extra mounting kit to mount it on your bike as the kit that comes with it is designed around suction mounting.
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Mel - how do you mount your TomTom in your motorhome? We have an A class if we use the suction cup on the windscreen we would probably need binoculars as well!! The flat mount from TT needs a vertical surface but I would prefer to mount it on the flat area between the dash and the wscreen. We thought of using vercro in some form but I am not sure it would be secure enough. Any ideas?
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Hi Christopher - re mounting tomtom in an a class (sounds a bit rude) try this tomtom forum http://www.mytomtomgo.com/forum/ it has a section on different mounts so may be of help. Machloop Have you considered the tomtom Rider this is a sat nav thats made for motorcycles so may suit you better than the Go range as its a bit slimmer and easier to mount
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We have a Tomtom 300. The battery lasts about 4 hours. In our A class we mount it to one of the side windows, as you say the windscreen is miles away! Just remember not to put it where the window opens and the mount comes off as you open the window! (on one side we have a slide window not drop) :D
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  • 2 weeks later...
OK - I've ordered my TomTom 700 (£305-Currys online). Now I am wondering if campsites and aires are marked on the pre-loaded software for my trip through France and Spain after Easter. Are they built in or can I download them from anywhere ?
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Hi Machloop, I thought I'd got a good deal from Halfords @ £349.99. I think they have bought a new range out and they are selling the old stock at really good prices. They were about £550.00 not so many months ago. Some of the C&C Club sites were already loaded on mine. Look at www.jollyinteresting.co.uk and go in to Campsite GPS. I think you can download CC sites & CL's also the C&CC Club site & CS's. There are also some French sites to download. I haven't got round to trying them myself so I don't know if they work or not. My 700 has only let me down once, so far. We were on the way to Moorhampton near Hereford, a CC site and I think they had just opened a new road. I went round the island about 4 times trying to decide which road to take. I think I picked the wrong one because Jane thought I was driving through a field. Other than that, it's brilliant. Happy Tom Tomming! John. :-D
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The ACSI guide to European campsites can be got on DVD which gives maps and quite bit of info about each site as well as a route planner. Although it is designed to run on a computer it says it gives the cordinates for GPS systems though I haven't had mine long enought to find that data or how easy it is to transfer. Their site is www.acsi-gids.com. The ACSI card used to be available from Suncamp holidays but I think the management has changed. If anybody uses this I would love to know how to transfer the GPS coordinates to my TT! 8-)
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For anyone interested in loading sites to their Tom Tom have a look at www.jollyinteresting.co.uk where there are downloads for French campsites, CC sites, CL sites, C&CC sites. I cannot remember if the ASCI guide gives locations in Latitude and Longitude but if they do you cannot input directly to the latest version of TOM Tom ( you could on previous versions). It is possible to obtain software to do this but not having a TT700 I don't know whether you can download to it. My TT is version 5 on a PDA so there is no problem in downloading extra software.
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Thanks everynody for the replies and site info. I got mine through this page.. http://www.find-tomtom-deals.co.uk/?gclid=CMOyjMrnmoQCFT5hQgodMRTIiw and they appear to have dropped a couple of pounds more this week. It was the Dixons link that I used but it sent me through to Currys so I suppose they are in bed together somewhere.
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