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Free guide to French Aires


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Thanks Ian, excellent link the PDF is very good with interactive department map & each entry has a photo, unfortunately the photos tend to be of the service point & not the parking area. There is also a link on each entry to the entry on the campingcar site which has more info.
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To load POI's into your Garmin:-

1)From the Link shown above left click in the area with the 'Garmin' logo

2) a new page opens, again left click on the 'Garmin 'Logo.

3)you are now presented with a log in page

fill in your Nom....surname

             Prenom...Christian or first name

             E-mail Address

You should then recieve an E-mail to that address containing a file caled Garmin.zip which you should save to a folder perhaps entitled POIs ( store it carefully because Zey weel zend eet oli wonce!)  when you have saved the .zip file open it by left clicking on the banner and save the result in the same folder or another called say poisunzip which you can use with 'POIloader' which is essential and free from the Garmin website (in english)

At least thats what works with my Neuvi 1340!!


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Charles Chodkowski - 2011-06-20 10:58 PM


Looks very good, can anyone tell me how to download the poi's onto a SD card for my Garmin Satnav, my knowledge of French is very limited but I can understand the pictures!


Roger has told you how to do it but to help you with your French download & install Google Toolbar which comes with Google Translator it will translate web pages as you view them.


Google Toolbar[url=]

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I have these pois installed on my Garmin Nuvi as well as the pdf.


When passing Andorra recently I was surprised to find that there are many Aires on the Garmin which they don't have listed in the pdf.


I suspect that the Garmin pois are the same ones as CampingCar-Infos, which I have not managed to install on the Garmin as they are the wrong format.

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lennyhb - 2011-06-21 11:11 AM Roger has told you how to do it but to help you with your French download & install Google Toolbar which comes with Google Translator it will translate web pages as you view them. Google Toolbar[url=]

Or if you are a luddite like me still using Windows a right click with your cursor over the page brings up 'Translate with Live Search' which works too.   

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JamesFrance - 2011-06-21 3:03 PM


I have these pois installed on my Garmin Nuvi as well as the pdf.


When passing Andorra recently I was surprised to find that there are many Aires on the Garmin which they don't have listed in the pdf.


I suspect that the Garmin pois are the same ones as CampingCar-Infos, which I have not managed to install on the Garmin as they are the wrong format.


There are 17 different formats available for download including Gamin.

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Warning DON'T use the Autoroute download, it is not Pushpins they have created a route and each point is a via. It takes over ½ hour to load and grinds even a fast PC to a halt it is unusable.


I used the csv file from the Garmin download that works fine.




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