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New Aire???


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Driving around, exploring the Morvan Regional Parc, we came across what appeared to be an Aire under construction – the area was marked out with kerbstones and bays, and what seemed to be a new borne was in place, but all was taped off.


It’s not in the Aires book we have – although a new edition has been published I gather. Neither is it on the updated list supplied recently on the Forum by Ian81 - as far as I can see at least . I may well be wrong!!!! And, if all you Aires experts know of this, then I apologise for superfluous info!!


If not, it looks as if it will be a lovely Aire, overlooking a Lake.


It is in the Nievre [58], just north of Château-Chinon [which is on the main Nevers – Autun road – D978] and lies on the west shore of Lac Panneciere.


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Guest JudgeMental
Gwendolyn - 2011-06-21 2:58 PM


Driving around, exploring the Morvan Regional Parc, we came across what appeared to be an Aire under construction – the area was marked out with kerbstones and bays, and what seemed to be a new borne was in place, but all was taped off.


It’s not in the Aires book we have – although a new edition has been published I gather. Neither is it on the updated list supplied recently on the Forum by Ian81 - as far as I can see at least . I may well be wrong!!!! And, if all you Aires experts know of this, then I apologise for superfluous info!!


If not, it looks as if it will be a lovely Aire, overlooking a Lake.


It is in the Nievre [58], just north of Château-Chinon [which is on the main Nevers – Autun road – D978] and lies on the west shore of Lac Panneciere.


Blimey! That is a first! You beat Robert and Jean to it! (fori Aire experts:-D)


Sounds lovely and only joking re R&J (I have to say this or else some old codgers will go balastic)


Yes new ones built now and again, but probably more on average closing.... but still lots of choice!

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A first in one way... but I still have to have my first experience of an Aire. I could have been tempted to stay on that one, if, indeed, an Aire it is....


Not trying to up-stage Robert and Jean… honest!!! But I know they like Aires [we have had some “chats” on the subject], so perhaps they know more about this embryonic one????


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Well done Gwendolyn you do indeed appear to be the first to spot this new aire. Have checked through all the French web sites we know and no French vanners seem to have mentioned it; from what you say it appears ready to open soon (but given now moving into French holiday season might be a month or two!). Feel sure it will not be long before you give an aire a try. Eddie is right some aires are closing whilst others are opening; on balance not sure number is going down. Total on camping-cars info for example is still increasing and they do take off closed aires very quickly.
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Gosh, I feel honoured to be praised so by Robert and Jean, the undoubted experts on the subject.... LOL!!!


Yes, I'm sure we will, in the end, try one out.


Right now, on the longest day, we are sat outside our van, on a VERY hot night, citronella candles and lanterns burning.... lovely.....



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Mandy&Andy - 2011-06-22 4:49 AM



So sorry.... have I said something amiss? Being a new-ish member of the Forum I have not come across “----” previously. All I intended by my previous post was to convey that we are on a campsite, not on an Aire, hence able to sit out with chairs etc…. which I gather is not allowed on an Aire????


I just hoped that the info regarding a possible new Aire might have been of interest to some????





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:-D *-) Sorry about that I had no idea I had clicked go, I was trying to find 2 new aires that we had visited at Easter and got pictures of. Went to find the pictures but as usual this site is fussy and wouldn't let me download them.


Aix les Baines was one of them, great aire just created at the far side of town next to lac side. The other I cannot remember name of so will have to do search again, bit early right now and just off to work.



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We found a 'bourne' in the Republic of Ireland if anyone is interested?


We pulled of the road into the village of Askeaton for a nosey around and saw signs for a motorhome service point so followed it. The bourne is located in the leisure centre car park, with toilet dump, grey waste drain and free water, there's also a large bin for rubbish. The only problem we had was someone couldn't be bothered to park her car properly so had stuck it in front of the bourne, we got the last laugh though as we asked at the leisure centre who promptly found her in the gym (they already knew who the car belonged to) and about 5 mins later she came out and moved it ... she was not a happy bunny. :D


The car park itself was nice and quiet too, and didn't ban overnight parking so I would think there wouldn't be a problem staying either if you wanted to - nice grassed area next to it.



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We recently came across an aire de services on the D749 (Avenue de Schaafheim) just south of Richelieu in France's Departement 37. This is on the roadside outside the Camping Municipal and, as it isn't (as far as I can make out) on the campingcar-infos website, must have been constructed not very long ago. Services (fresh water and waste-emptying) are free. However, the push-button outlet that supplies fresh water has the most heavily-sprung action I've ever encountered and a low pressure/low flow delivery that make tank-filling a wearisome process.


The Richelieu campsite is not unattractive and pretty cheap, but there's an entry barrier and a warden is only present from 9-11am and 4-7pm. We visited the campsite at about 2:30pm thinking we might stay there overnight, but weren't prepared to hang around until a warden turned up. A French caravanner was parked next to the barrier when we arrived, but also drove off eventually. The campsite was empty except for one small tent, so it's fair to assume that the combination of entry-barrier and limited warden presence seriously deters passing 'trade'.

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Mel B - 2011-06-23 6:43 PM


We found a 'bourne' in the Republic of Ireland if anyone is interested?


We pulled of the road into the village of Askeaton for a nosey around and saw signs for a motorhome service point so followed it. The bourne is located in the leisure centre car park, with toilet dump, grey waste drain and free water, there's also a large bin for rubbish. The only problem we had was someone couldn't be bothered to park her car properly so had stuck it in front of the bourne, we got the last laugh though as we asked at the leisure centre who promptly found her in the gym (they already knew who the car belonged to) and about 5 mins later she came out and moved it ... she was not a happy bunny. :D


The car park itself was nice and quiet too, and didn't ban overnight parking so I would think there wouldn't be a problem staying either if you wanted to - nice grassed area next to it.


The Askeaton 'aire' was opened in 2008, overnight stays are permitted. As far as I know it is still the only one in the south. There are three in Northern Ireland.



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