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Why can't you let it rest? This is not a constructive thread, and not your first >:-) There you go, I rise to the bait and should know better, but for goodness sake keep it interesting or are you just intent on racking up the posts so you become a super dooper expert par excellance *-) Don't bother to answer it is totally unecessary >:-)
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Porky - 2011-06-22 6:43 PM


Why can't you let it rest? This is not a constructive thread, and not your first >:-) There you go, I rise to the bait and should know better, but for goodness sake keep it interesting or are you just intent on racking up the posts so you become a super dooper expert par excellance *-) Don't bother to answer it is totally unecessary >:-)

What the hell has rattled your cage? I am not a combatant in that particular thread, all I have said is that it is particularly vitriolic and I am glad that I am not involved.

Are you one of the forums policeman in dictating what one can or cannot say? Can you please post a list of permitted subjects one can post please.

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Guest Tracker
I thought you were going away for the week Malcolm - or did someone buy you a new wooden spoon for father's day and you just have to try it out before you go?
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Tracker - 2011-06-22 8:36 PM


I thought you were going away for the week Malcolm - or did someone buy you a new wooden spoon for father's day and you just have to try it out before you go?


I will be hitting the road on friday evening at 8pm for a night time drive down to Cornwall, where is the wooden spoon that you mention? regarding the Gower thread all I said was that it was vicious and that I am glad that I am not involved, Porky was being a little sarcastic in my opinion.

No matter what you post on this group someone always seems to want to knock you down and frankly I am getting a little fed up of it all, so my posts in future will be a little scarce or none existant (is that a sigh of relief I hear) members are now being slagged off for the number of posts they have sent in, not good at all.

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Guest Tracker

Don't let the buggers grind you down Malcolm!


There is no reason for you to change your ways to suit anyone other than yourself as since Michelle has left us there is noone else who posts such unusual things like wot you do!


Thats a compliment - I think!


Have a good trip - drive safely through the night - enjoy the many wonders of Cornwall - and come safely back to astound us all once more with your profound thoughts!





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Tracker - 2011-06-22 10:38 PM


Don't let the buggers grind you down Malcolm!


There is no reason for you to change your ways to suit anyone other than yourself as since Michelle has left us there is noone else who posts such unusual things like wot you do!


Thats a compliment - I think!


Have a good trip - drive safely through the night - enjoy the many wonders of Cornwall - and come safely back to astound us all once more with your profound thoughts!





Michelle is a lady, sometime ago when I was recieving heavy duty radio therapy and was not feeling all that chipper I had not posted for a while, Michelle PM'd me to ask how I was saying that she was concerned, that is what you call a lady, remember Joy? she stopped posting because of the bullying.

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