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This question and therefore thread is NOT directed at anyone - let me make that clear before I ask, here goes.


Can someone kindly explain to me as to why some contributors are making negative comments in relation to high post counts?


What difference does it make, it's free, it's a lifeline for some folk, a great source of info/help and the odd verbal scrap.


It's perhaps as well Michele isn't on the scence (10,000 + ish), she would be getting proper told off.


Any enlightenment anyone?



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Probably because they haven't got there yet Martyn. Look at my count (spelt that right i hope) Maybe four only make sense :D


And Michele would be giving it back two fold. Only trouble there would be the time taken to work out what she said, Great lady ;-)



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Guest Tracker
BGD - 2011-06-23 12:55 AM


D'ya think that maybe "Sicknote" is her new alter-ego?


Michele would be horrified to be compared to that. There is no malice or bad attitude at all in Michele and she is kindness and generosity personified - if a little quirky - but that's no bad thing - in my humble opinion?

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Post number is like grey hair - it simply shows how long you have been around.


Those that knock a high level of posting must have a reason - but for the life of me i cannot see what the sense is.


A quick analysis of number of posts divided by the time on the site (available via the individuals profile is interesting.


Bruce (BGD) circa 4 years and 3011 posts – which is approx 63 a month


Lord Thornber again circa 4 years and 2230 posts – which is approx 47 a month


Nowtelsetodo about 2 and a half years and 1156 posts – which is approx 48 a month


Then we have Postnote who has been posting for just over a month –


Date registered – 18th May 2011 and in that calendar month and 4 days has made 90 posts.


Make of that what you will.


(lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol)

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As for the Post numbers, does it really matter ? What i find amusing is the status that appears to be assigned to the post count. When i notched up 1200 posts I was given the status of 'Expert'. Now that may actually mean that after 1200 posts on the forum you are expert at finding your way around the different fourum threads, posting replies, replying with quotes, attaching photo's or Internet links rather than being an expert in Motorhome Matters, albeit there are quite obviously lots of people with in depth knowledge and experience on a vast array of subjects.....................Who knows, maybe the person or persons who devised the 'status tabs' could enlighten us *-)
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Guest pelmetman
Big Momma - 2011-06-23 9:09 PM

.....................Who knows, maybe the person or persons who devised the 'status tabs' could enlighten us *-)


Don't mock it 8-) .............this is the nearest I've ever got to a qualification (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol)

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