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Asteroid - June 27th


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"Newly-discovered asteroid 2011 MD will pass only 12,000 kilometers (7,500 miles) above Earth’s surface on Monday June 27 at about 9:30 a.m. EDT. NASA analysts say there is no chance the space rock will strike Earth. Nevertheless, the encounter is so close that Earth’s gravity will sharply alter the asteroid’s trajectory.


At closest approach, 2011 MD will pass in broad daylight over the southern Atlantic Ocean near the coast of Antarctica. As the asteroid recedes from Earth, it will pass through the zone of geosynchronous satellites. The chances of a collision with a satellite or manmade space junk are extremely small, albeit not zero.


Judging from the brightness of the asteroid, it measures only 5 to 20 meters in diameter. According to JPL’s Near Earth Object Program office, one would expect an object of this size to come this close to Earth about every 6 years on average. For a brief time, it will be bright enough to be seen even with a medium-sized backyard telescope."




Hopefully we will all still be posting on the 28th (lol)

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Guest pelmetman
CliveH - 2011-06-24 9:31 AM

Hopefully we will all still be posting on the 28th (lol)


Nothing worse than a bad case of the asteroids :D

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Guest pelmetman
Tracker - 2011-06-24 9:09 PM


All asteroids and many haemorrhoids should have a name - any ideas for this one?


How about Postnote?


Mine are known as the family pile :$ ............they have been passed on from generation to generation *-)

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Guest Tracker

A truly moving experience for you all Dave eh?


A newly arrived mental image of pile transference made me smile - and I didn't feel a thing!

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pelmetman - 2011-06-24 9:12 PM


Tracker - 2011-06-24 9:09 PM


All asteroids and many haemorrhoids should have a name - any ideas for this one?


How about Postnote?


Mine are known as the family pile :$ ............they have been passed on from generation to generation *-)

been there, done that, got the scars to prove it but I ain't showing 'em to anyone.



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antony1969 - 2011-06-24 5:47 PM


Be a real shame if a chunk fell off and hit Bradford , Celtic Park or that crap site at Ullswater I went to t'other week


Didn't realise that there was another Bradford, Celtic Park and Ullswater in the South Atlantic, what a coincidence eh *-) :D

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Anyone seen that cartoon series by the same creator as The Simpsons that is based in the future? In one episode they dealt with the sniggers that "Uranus" always creates by renaming the planet Urectum.


Great stuff!! (lol) (lol) (lol)


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CliveH - 2011-06-25 8:24 AM


Anyone seen that cartoon series by the same creator as The Simpsons that is based in the future? In one episode they dealt with the sniggers that "Uranus" always creates by renaming the planet Urectum.


Great stuff!! (lol) (lol) (lol)


Well if it does hit then we'd be better off on this ship? :D


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