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Electrical hook up safety!!!


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Replying to the original posting,

Yes you are perfectly right but here are a few more things people do which circumnavigates some of the intrinsic safety of a basic hookup.


1) Two hookup leads joined together to extend the length. There is no control where the mid length join could be, in a puddle at 0300 HRS perhaps? Or wrapped in a polythene bag - which is filling up with water at 0100 HRS?


2) Having a short hookup lead and a long one on a reel to put under the motorhome. Thats OK providing it IS put in a dry place and in such a manner that water does not run along the cable into the plug. But if you go to bed in the balm of the evening leaving it alongside the van ..... later on?


The basic lead is limited to 25M long by legislation as well as voltage drop. If it were longer it would need to be 2.5 sq mm and not the 1.5 sq mm that it is. Also the simplest connection results in no plugs being on the ground and both plugs held at the right attitide to ensure adequate protection. One in the side of the van and tother at the hookup post.


Who has been guilty of any/all of these sins?


(My hand is up)






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Brian Kirby - 2011-07-09 7:31 PM


Please Henry


At the risk of stepping on a hornet's nest, I think you are being far too provocative and sweeping.


Surely you can't expect to get away with statements such as: "Their (sic) are notices asking people not to stop overnight as it sometimes floods but despite this idiots, like you two, continue to stay with the result the marie is talking about putting a height barrier up." Even if you consider calling others idiots to be conducive to harmony, it is surely your own assumption that either of those you attack would, actually, ignore the notices and stay?


Why not assume that those who contribute to this forum are those who camp wherever they camp responsibly, so as to minimise nuisance and leave the places they stop in as clean as when they arrived. Your line of reasoning does seem to be a little like "all who indulge in fox-hunting ride horses, so all who ride horses must be fox-hunters".


Given that, it seems just a bit optimistic (even rather hypocritical) to expect your plea "If it is possible for you please, at least, try to be civil even if you do not agree or are to blind to see what is in front of you." to be taken to heart. If you're going to give out, at least accept responsibility for the tone of the response with a good grace.


Brian I did not attack anyone personally with my first post, in fact attack came towards me from others. It was a general comment on these people who 'wild camp'. I assume nothing but it is impossible to absolve a few because they belong to this forum, the practice does cause problems, not my opinion it is fact. Everyone denies leaveing rubbish, parking in places they are asked not to etc, bit like everyone denies they read the Sun newspaper but someone does. I am sure crinkey, whatever his name is, remains a paragon but it makes no differance. Think it is time you came down from your ivory tower and say where you stand on this rather than just giving lectures to others. However as others have said nothing to do with the thread so will leave it there, at least, until on some new thread up pop the brave souls who go were others fear to tread camping on car parks, laybys, other peoples property without permission etc, all to save a few bob, sad.

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crinklystarfish - 2011-07-10 11:54 AM


And therein lies the issue. No matter your birthplace, it should be a problem.


You are actually correct here crinkle, what is your name? My answer came out wrong, sorry to the Welsh about that. Anyway off to watch the GP

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