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On warfarin?


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After returning home from France my OH had his blood checked as usual and we were shocked to learn that his reading was at 4.5!  This is, as those of you having to take anti-coagulant will know, dangerously thin and could have caused a fatal bleed.

We happened to then see an advert for a self-checking machine and on investigation found that it is currently on offer (299.00 instead of 399.00) however this offer ends on 30 June 2011.


We discovered that the required 'strips' which would be prohibitively expensive are available on prescription so decided to buy one in order to avoid a potentially fatal repeat of the above.

As it can cost towards 50 euros to have a test on the continent I thought that others may be interested in this machine.


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Guest JudgeMental

I have been on it for a month or nearly two...Can I have details of the machine please?


Remember when you use a machine the UK hospital that gives you your dose will probably not except self testing. So when travelling just email them the results and say you had it at a medical centre *-)


Be aware the machines need calibration regularly? hospital ones are done daily! so you need the test strips and knowledge to do this also....


I am away for a month in a few weeks and will probably visit a centre and get a test done..If I stay on it long term (a slight possibility) will invest in a machine for peace of mind. but the machines hospitals use etc..... cost £900 :-S


Oop's just saw your link!

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We checked with the GP and he is happy for self-testing and has already given my OH a script for the strips (the m/c comes with 5 strips).  He (GP) has given him a chart showing how much to adjust the doseage according to how much the reading changes.  We also have a phone number to call if advice is needed.

I think they are happier to know that my OH will be testing weekly when away rather than the possibility of his blood getting so far off the ideal.


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Guest JudgeMental
Madmaggott - 2011-06-28 9:27 PMWe checked with the GP and he is happy for self-testing and has already given my OH a script for the strips (the m/c comes with 5 strips).  He (GP) has given him a chart showing how much to adjust the doseage according to how much the reading changes.  We also have a phone number to call if advice is needed.

I think they are happier to know that my OH will be testing weekly when away rather than the possibility of his blood getting so far off the ideal.

That makes absolute sense to me...maybe I will have a chat with my GP as opposed to the hospital INR clinic...
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JudgeMental - 2011-06-28 10:23 PM
Madmaggott - 2011-06-28 9:27 PMWe checked with the GP and he is happy for self-testing and has already given my OH a script for the strips (the m/c comes with 5 strips).  He (GP) has given him a chart showing how much to adjust the doseage according to how much the reading changes.  We also have a phone number to call if advice is needed.

I think they are happier to know that my OH will be testing weekly when away rather than the possibility of his blood getting so far off the ideal.

That makes absolute sense to me...maybe I will have a chat with my GP as opposed to the hospital INR clinic...


Don't forget that the offer ends in 2 days Judge. 


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