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sat dome


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i have ordered a camos sat dome mk4 from a road pro dealer,whitch was to be fitted in august,i received a call to say road pro have stopped supply of the camos mk3 and mk4 due to a shortage of parts,i was offered a camos mk2 at the same price, does anyone know about the mk2 , has it been around for a while and should it be the same price as the latest version, hope someone can give me some info,thanks,g
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The Mk4 has significant advantages over the old dome, such as auto skew, larger dish, gps and updated electronics. It should be a lot better, particularly in marginal reception areas such as North Scotland and I would definitely wait for it.


Saying that, I've got a 30cm Mk2 and it works fine, even along the French Med coast on a sunny day, picking up all the Astra 2D channels (BBC1, ITV etc), although some did fade in the evening or in heavy rain and thick cloud.


If you can't wait and decide to buy the Mk2 it should be at a heavily discounted price, certainly a good deal less than the Mk4.



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Guest JudgeMental
if the Mrk 4 has auto skew etc...i would wait for that model? are they trying to shift old stock I wonder *-)
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I would only purchase a dome if I needed to view while mobile. If you only want to watch TV when parked then a traditional dish offers advantages.


If you still want a Camos dome then make sure you have a spare toothed belt as this item fails after a bit, especially if used mobile.




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Clive - 2011-06-29 11:32 AM


I would only purchase a dome if I needed to view while mobile. If you only want to watch TV when parked then a traditional dish offers advantages.





Unless it's blowing a gale that is! The dish in a heavy wind would put additional stress on the van roof.

The dome is unaffected by wind or rain of snow (snow within reason).

As Roadpro are bringing their own dome in, it may have influenced their comments on the negativity of Camos parts. I have a Mk2 and it is great. Works as far south as Mont Blanc tunnel.

If the MK2 Roadpro offers is substantially reduced, I would go for that.

Otherwise try Automate http://www.camos-dome.co.uk/ for a MK4

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Guest JudgeMental
I lke the look of this Mark 4..Only concern is it would look a bit much on a panel van roof? *-)
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Guest JudgeMental
bolero boy - 2011-06-30 5:06 PM


Have it sprayed in the van's original colour and shouln't be too bad.


Do you think? If anyone has done this can we have a picture please? :-D

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Here's a pic of my painted 30cm Camos. The van is metallic paint but I didn't know whether the metal particles in the paint would affect the signal so it's a close(ish) match in solid paint.


I think they look a lot better painted, particularly on a panel van.




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Guest JudgeMental
Thanks very much Roly! That does not look to bad IMO but the Mark 4 is 400 high so should stick out an bit more I guess but the convenience of a dome appeals. mine is metallic grey but a flat grey paint for dome would be good enough I would think.....
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JudgeMental - As far as I'm aware the Mk 4 is produced in both 30cm and 40cm versions. I've seen an old 40cm one on a Murvi panel van and, to my mind, it didn't look too good (sorry, Dave Burleigh)! You can see it here http://www.motorhomefacts.com/modules.php?name=Forums&file=garage&mode=view_gallery_item&type=garage_gallery&image_id=107 and you can judge for yourself.


With the improved performance of the Mk4 I would have thought that 30cm would be the better option, particularly from a visual standpoint, unless you are planning to use it at the extreme edge of the Astra footprint. Our 30cm works all over France, although as I've said previously, it gets a bit flakey at times on Astra 2d on the French med coast. You can forget using a dome of any size once into Spain.



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Guest JudgeMental

I was kinda hoping with GPS and a bigger dish you would have a better reception furter out......


can you not get arab sat and other sats in Spain to get some programs? you can on a dish I think *-)


a bit of UK news will do me....


Yes see what you mean re 40mm one! lol Looks like it is fixed higher then normal as well?

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We now have the Maxview Dome and have recently been down to near Perpignan, we didn't have a problem receiving all programs but come 8pm there was a bit of distortion on BBC. On the Maxview digibox it is set up to receive 4 satellites, only tried 28.2, but when we go to Portugal this Winter we will probably try them all out and see 'what it is made of'.



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