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Ducato sliding door problem

malc d

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Recently noticed a scraping sound when closing the side door on my van conversion.


It's a 2003 model.


Having checked I've found that the small wheel on the top door runner has obviously not been 'spinning' as it should as it has developed a flat spot on one side, and sometimes slides instead of turning.

(I've lubricated it from time to time but presumably not often enough !)

I need to replace it as it seems likely that it will damage the track.


It looks like a reasonably easy job to replace it - has anyone ever done so ?


If so, how does the wheel come out - it doesn't appear to come off the end of the track - does it just come out at an angle ?


I will attempt to attach a pic to show the part I'm referring to.


( p.s. It might be an idea to check yours if you have one !).




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Hello Malc,


You can't buy just the roller. You replace the whole arm which detatches where the large screw in your picture is. It's very easy but make sure you have someone else on hand to steady the door while it is unsupported.


Don't grease the track, and make sure you clean any old gloop from the area. The wheel gets flat-spotted because it is not turning and this is normally because of grease!



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Brilliant. Thanks a lot Nick.


Can you confirm that the wheel just comes out at an angle, i.e. does not need to come off at either end of the track ?


You can see I've put a bit of grease up there now but that's only to (hopefully) avoid any damage when the wheel is skidding instead of turning.


Thanks again for the prompt reply



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No problem.


First get someone to steady the door.


Remove the screw and washer.


Allow the door to pivot away by an inch or so.


The rod will come out of it's socket on the door.


The rod can be rotated to clear the wheel from the track.


Clean track.


Rotate new rod assy into position with wheel in track.


Push top of door back in towards van lining up rod with socket.


Fit screw and tighten. Do not over tighten as thread is quite shallow. Hand tight with short ratchet is sufficient.


I believe the correct ending to the procedure is ; simples!

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Thanks to Nicks' advice I have now very easily replaced this part ( actually called a 'lock support ), and it only took about ten minutes.

If your Ducato sliding door is clonking or making scraping noise it might be worth checking that you don't have the same problem.


I'm attaching a photo of the part that I removed which shows that the plastic ring that goes round the bearing is not just flat spotted but is split.


The grease around it has only been there the last week or so to protect the track that it runs in.


The part no. is 1336736080.









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jonsea - 2011-07-12 8:25 PM


Hi where did you get the lock support from ,was it direct from fiat?

cheers jonsea



Welcome to the forum jonsea.


Yes. Got it from a Fiat main dealer. Gave him the vehicle chassis no. and viewed an 'exploded' drawing on his computer screen to make sure I got the right part.


Extortionate price of £76 ( although £13 was VAT so it's not all Fiats fault).


I briefly scoured the net by Google but some others were offering secondhand parts ( ex- breakers yards etc) and as the part includes a bearing I didn't fancy the idea of buying a second hand bearing.


What helped me to swallow the price was that the man in front of me had just been told that a new key for his car would be over £300 !


Made my part seem quite cheap !





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Guest ChrisB

I think this may have been mentioned by others in the past. My nearest Fiat dealer is 20 miles away, but there is a Peugeot (and Citroen) dealer in town.

On the few occasions when I have needed a part for the Fiat I have bought the equivalent from Peugeot and at a lower cost than quoted by the Fiat dealer.

I'm sure there are some (engine?) parts which are not interchangeable, but the bodywork is much the same.

I wonder how much the equivalent Peugeot door roller would cost?

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Guest 1footinthegrave
What an absolute joke, I've just examined mine, it is just the plastic "hat" that like yours has split, would cost 10p to replace how can they possibly justify that, I thought Dick Turpin was long since dead, his descendants obviously work for Fiat.
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1footinthegrave - 2011-07-14 10:19 AM


What an absolute joke, I've just examined mine, it is just the plastic "hat" that like yours has split, would cost 10p to replace how can they possibly justify that, I thought Dick Turpin was long since dead, his descendants obviously work for Fiat.



I agree. Problem for me was that it looked and sounded as if the metal collar below the bearing was scraping along the track. It seemed likely that far more damage could be done if I left it.

( How much for a track - could be thousands ! --???)




Might be a good idea to check out Peugeot / Citroen options as ChrisB mentioned




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Guest 1footinthegrave

Yes you are exactly correct, but this item is following a trend that an obvious part to wear is not available to buy on it's own, I have examined mine more closely this afternoon and it is quite obvious that it is only the plastic hat that is splitting, quite diabolical that you cannot buy one, or even have one supplied and fitted, oh well.......more for the landfill.


Incidentally I believe the lower one is £200+

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At those prices, I suggest taking dimensions & getting a local Engineering workshop to make some spares from either Nylatron or PTFE Bar, before yours split & damage the Bearing outer race.

Should be a simple machining job for less than a tenner for a pair.

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At those prices, I suggest taking dimensions & getting a local Engineering workshop to make some spares from either Nylatron or PTFE Bar, before yours split & damage the Bearing outer race.

Should be a simple machining job for less than a tenner for a pair.

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At those prices, I suggest taking dimensions & getting a local Engineering workshop to make some spares from either Nylatron or PTFE Bar, before yours split & damage the Bearing outer race.

Should be a simple machining job for less than a tenner for a pair.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest 1footinthegrave
Hello Flicka, I've been away in the van and only just returned, mainly climbing in and out through the passenger door because of this problem. What a great idea though, I'll certainly look into your suggestion, many thanks.
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