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Why me?

Guest pelmetman

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Guest pelmetman

8-).......................Another puncture today :-S...........


Coming back from deliveries this afternoon thinking I was going to have an early finish *-)..............travelling through Thetford Forest when the offside front starts thumping, realized what it was and managed to pull off onto a gravel side road, so I get the jack out and loosen the nuts, by application of 14 stone of blubber to the short wheel brace :$..............start winding the jack up and about 6 inches from the full reach it stops 8-)..........so I undo it, take it out .........and there in the middle of the spiral part is a seized lug stopping the full travel *-).......so having no tools I decide to ring the breakdown boys :D.........get my position of the sat nag............No phone signal >:-(............


So I start looking round for something to lift the jack the extra 6 inches, and I spy a block of concrete, but it was in the middle of a muddy puddle *-)........having no other option, and trying not stand in the mud in my nearly new sandals, I tried to move the concrete, but it wouldn't budge :'(......


Next idea (^)......I re tighten my nuts and drive the van over the block and line it up with my jacking point 8-).........Now I'm on all fours in the mud *-).......I get the jack on the block and wind it up to the jacking point by hand...............Then!!.... as the jack is 6" higher I cant get the sodding handle into the jack socket as its behind the van skirt *-)...............so I'm looking at pulling of the mudflap thinking I might be able to reach the jack from that angle.......when I spy the bottom half of a orange Transit pull alongside..........


YIPPEE!!! a breakdown wagon...........................................RAC!...............................I'm with the AA *-).......but nevertheless I explained my predicament, hoping that his phone might have a signal, but he took pity on me and helped me change the wheel B-).........................


Thought I'd better give him a tip for helping me out ;-).............................All I've got is a £20 note 8-)..............so whilst he's putting his gear away, I'm having an argument with my thrift gene :$.......But my gratitude over came my skinflint alter ego..............so I offered him the twenty :D


He refused to take it 8-) 8-)


The trouble is my paranoia is now working over time, as those of you that remember my wheel nut saga at Christmas happened on the A14 a few miles East of Bury St Edmunds, or my blow out on the A14 at Bury St Edmunds in Feburary...........and now this just North of the A14 8-)


This small part of Suffolk is starting to resemble the Bermuda Triangle >:-)

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pelmetman - 2011-07-04 7:38 PM


I re tighten my nuts and drive the van


Not good for your prostrate problem :D Bet you felt a little 'deflated' after that and then £20 tip when a £5 used to be more generous, well I suppose that's 'Inflation' for you. Were you 'tired' after such an eventful day :D :D

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I think you should have taken him round the back of the van and told him you had a load of pouffes in the back, and that he could choose and have any one of them.


He was a very nice man, in fact he was a very very nice man wasn't he? :D :D



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Guest pelmetman
postnote - 2011-07-05 10:04 AM


God works in mysterious ways! (lol)


Yeah *-)..............I think he's got the hump because I'm an atheist :D

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