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The Ministry of Defence (MoD) has been criticised for losing track of assets worth over £6bn.


The MoD's accounts have been qualified for the fourth year running


MPs have urged the department to take control of its stock problems after the National Audit Office qualified the MoD's accounts for the fourth year running.


In financial terms, that means auditors have doubts or concerns about the figures.


The £6.3bn of equipment mislaid includes £184m worth of radios.


Defence Secretary Liam Fox blamed the problem on mismanagement in the department.



"It is alarming that the department should be unaware of the location of assets to a total value of £6.3bn."


Commons defence committee


"We inherited a multi-billion pound deficit in defence from the previous government that was characterised by waste and inefficiency under Labour. That must change."


Mr Fox said that major reforms had been announced last week which would make it clearer who was responsible for managing equipment.


The Commons defence committee said it was "dismayed" by the news and that the MoD must speed up plans for sorting out the problems.


The defence secretary says that changes will be made at the MoD


"It is alarming that the department should be unaware of the location, usability or indeed the continued existence of assets to a total value of £6.3bn," it said.


"We expect to see an abbreviated timetable for achieving this, and an explanation of the measures taken to achieve it, in the response to this report."


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Guest pelmetman
Our armed forces have always fought two foes *-).................the enemy in front...................and the MOD behind >:-(
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nowtelse2do - 2011-07-05 8:40 AM


£6.3 bn has been misplaced in France building 2 Aircraft carriers. The order's should have been placed in Britain.



One of which will be mothball and never used by the UK. Now that is criminal....... >:-)

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Robinhood - 2011-07-05 9:33 AM




Anybody wanna buy a Tornado?


One careful owner.


Honest Guv!


Pssst...........................Not yet mate!


They've only just got em all working proper like and would like time to play with bombing any suitable defenceless countries first!


They promise to let us know when the Eurofighter / Typhoon is working properly - well good enough to take over from the Tornado anyway!


Don't hold yer breath just yet - it may be a long wait!

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Robinhood - 2011-07-05 9:33 AM




Anybody wanna buy a Tornado?


One careful owner.


Honest Guv!


Given the subject of the original post and the fact that the MOD own the Tornado I would hardly give them a description of a 'careful owner' :D

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So where has it all gone?


Well guv - I put that big pointy thing in that big gun over there then pulled that triggery thing and it went bang and I haven't seen the pointy thing since!


But what about the radios.


Well guv - I was talking wiv me pal back at HQ when this tally banny fella started talking on it - I thought he were a bloody double glazing salesman so I left him talking to a boulder in the desert.

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