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has the puppet master lost a string?

Guest pelmetman

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Guest pelmetman
Watching the news is very interesting at the moment:D...............Rupert seems to be in the sh*t(lol).................It will cost him a fortune to buy himself out of this one..................................sadly he can afford it*-)
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It does seem that he has overreached himself this time. I was very annoyed with Vince Cable who let unexpected power go to his head such that he was not allowed to oversee the takeover.


This was a very stupid mistake where a basically good politician (not many of them about) allowed himself to be set up.


But yet it may backfire as it seems that Murdoch then overestimates his reach and power over the public.


I now SERIOUSLY think this is the time for a boycott of all Murdoch sleasepapers.


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But for how long if his Advertisers keep pulling out.


Looks like 10 Advertisers already have done so & his top 10 are all discussing it.


Although they all appear to be quoting the News of the World, I wonder how long it will bw before the all go where the SUN don't shine :D >:-)

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For me it is much more worrying to learn that the paper was making regular payments to police officers for information, now that really IS serious stuff.


There has now got to be an independent enquiry that has the power of the law behind it and absolutely NO restrictions placed on what work it can do.

Anyone and everyone must be forced by law, if summoned, to apear before it.


The Mafia is an angel compared to this lot.

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flicka - 2011-07-06 11:09 PM


But for how long if his Advertisers keep pulling out.


Looks like 10 Advertisers already have done so & his top 10 are all discussing it.


Although they all appear to be quoting the News of the World, I wonder how long it will bw before the all go where the SUN don't shine :D >:-)



But the advertisers are only pulling out for this weekend. It won't be very effective if they go back next week.


Ideally everyone should boycott the companies that advertise in the NoW, but I doubt that would last long either.


I get the impression that the media in London, the Met Police and the politicians are all too chummy.



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malc d - 2011-07-07 7:29 AM


flicka - 2011-07-06 11:09 PM


But for how long if his Advertisers keep pulling out.


Looks like 10 Advertisers already have done so & his top 10 are all discussing it.


Although they all appear to be quoting the News of the World, I wonder how long it will bw before the all go where the SUN don't shine :D >:-)



But the advertisers are only pulling out for this weekend. It won't be very effective if they go back next week.


Ideally everyone should boycott the companies that advertise in the NoW, but I doubt that would last long either.


I get the impression that the media in London, the Met Police and the politicians are all too chummy.





Agree - especially the last sentence

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“Mr James Murdoch is the chairman. It is clear now that he personally, without board approval, authorised money to be paid by his company to silence people who had been hacked and to cover up criminal behaviour within his organisation. This is nothing short of an attempt to pervert the course of justice.”


What hope for us when Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation takes over BSkyB. >:-) >:-)

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Guest pelmetman
I'm glad I'm not his number one fan:D...........as the amount of sh*te hitting his fan has amazed even me8-).....................I dare say he will come up smelling of roses*-)
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