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Guest Tracker

Following the bitchyness on the 'NEW TO THE FORUM PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE' thread I thought it would be good to encourage a bit more of the same with this suggestion?


It would greatly assist in the getting of and giving of help if the people who asked questions would put a summary or at least an indication, of what the question is about in the title box?



Entries like 'NEW TO THE FOTUM PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE' don't tell anyone anything and tend to get overlooked by those who might know the answer if only they saw the question?


No offence to Randonneur or his cheeky little pink budgie - not so sure about some of the others though!


Simples innit?

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Tracker - 2011-07-07 4:27 PM


No offence to Randonneur or his cheeky little pink budgie - not so sure about some of the others though!


Simples innit?


No offence taken, Rich, I think that it is supposed to be an Owl, Two-wit two-woo.


Sylvia (It was me that put the post on by the way.)

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Guest Tracker
Randonneur - 2011-07-07 5:43 PM

I think that it is supposed to be an Owl, Two-wit two-woo.


Yes now that you come to mention it it does look kinda more like a nowl than a budgie doesn't it!


Twit tawoo nil - owl one!


I had better say it before someone else does -


Shoulda gone to specsavers!

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Guest Tracker
stantheman - 2011-07-07 7:51 PM


Spot on, Tracker.

A meaningful title to the threads would save us all a lot of time. Perhaps the ones that contain a lot of useless chit-chat could be entitled, 'This thread just contains a lot of useless chit-chat'!


Like as above you mean?


Trouble is they tend to start out relatively meaningful but tend to degenerate when all that needs to be said has been saided!


I agree with Don's feelings about punctuation and I am asking Brian for some lessons!


There are also several others who I can ask for lessons in etiquette but I can't name them as it might infringe on their human rights and give them an even greater superiority complex!

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How about people stop asking questions on here and just googling everything. That way there can be no differences of opinion, no patronising comments about peoples grammar (or lack of).

There would be no need for silly emoticons to convey your mood, and no mis-interpretation of the actual meaning of the post.

No going off topic, and no need to tell everyone where you are and what van you have. No complaning that the thread was in the wrong section.

We could turn the forum into a kind of f*ceb**k, where you just tell people things like " I just bought a new A frame", no discussions, just statements.


What an exiting place this could be *-)

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I agree, I have limited time in a day to go through several forums and a bit of description in the title would help sort out what's worth looking at (in my opinion) and what isn't.


Several other forums give you the first few lines of the subject when you hover over the title, this is very helpful.






I didn't chose that one to be controversial, it is just a good example of a front page which has a lot of stuff that I don't have any interest in and some that I do.


A meaningful title is an even bigger help, although my first post on here was titled "too many sausages".


On the subject of grammar, mine isn't alive any more, but when she was, she used too make us laugh by saying; "he's alright, but his sh*t stinks". She was 78 when she died.




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Not everyone is good at grammar or punctuation but I think that a useful tip to make your posting, especially long ones, more easy to read is as follows:


Type your posting - read it back to yourself out loud - and every time you have to take a breath, stick in a comma.



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