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Blue light aware

donna miller

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Guest pelmetman
postnote - 2011-07-09 10:27 AM
CliveH - 2011-07-09 8:23 AMNow you'r'e just asking for trouble 8-) 8-) 8-)
I know Clive, but often jump in where other fear to go.. :D :D

Yep:D..............Feet first normally.......or should that be paw first:D
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Guest Tracker

Anything that makes the roads safer has to be a good thing but given the simplistic common sense of that video I have to wonder what drivers are being taught these days of dumbing down the nation to need such very basic common sense drummed into them?


I venture to suggest most of our generation have been doing exactly as suggested in the video for donkeys years and all without any tuition at all - just the application of basic common sense?


Thanks Donna for bringing it to our attention - I hope nobody on here really needed to see it though?

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Guest Tracker
pkc - 2011-07-09 6:42 PM


Hi Tracker.

As one who ran under 'Blues and twos' for years, I can assure you that

simplistic common sense is rarer than you might imagine.

Worth a watch for anyone.


Fair comment PKC - having been out for a quiet meander this afternoon and given a blues and twos ambulance space to go past us on a country road the behaviour of some of the other drivers was either arrogant, bizarre or stupid - or all three - nothing new there then!



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Tracker - 2011-07-09 8:01 PM


pkc - 2011-07-09 6:42 PM


Hi Tracker.

As one who ran under 'Blues and twos' for years, I can assure you that

simplistic common sense is rarer than you might imagine.

Worth a watch for anyone.


Fair comment PKC - having been out for a quiet meander this afternoon and given a blues and twos ambulance space to go past us on a country road the behaviour of some of the other drivers was either arrogant, bizarre or stupid - or all three - nothing new there then!


Which one was you then :D :D :D :D

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Oh, how I wish I could've got hold of the stupid young woman drving a Ford Ka the other day - an ambulance was coming towards us, with his lights flashing, sirens blaring, we pulled over to the kerb and stopped, the 4x4 on the other side did the same and the stupid young woman driving behind him, instead of stopping, drove round the 4x4 before getting the shock of her life as the ambulance sped round her. She must have been in a dream world as the other motorists all pulled over too.
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Mel B - 2011-07-15 8:38 PM


....................... the stupid young woman drving a Ford Ka .....................


Was she perhaps one of the many we see who have their stereo turned up to about 130db and so are completely oblivious and unable to hear anything going on around them?? It is no wonder that so many appear to ignore the "Blues & Twos".


With apologies to MelB for editing your post.



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We had the same thing happen to us last week, we had all pulled over to let the approaching ambulance through, & a boy racer thought it would be a good opportunity to pass us all.


maybe he thought if it goes *its up he would get to the hospital fast (?)

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My first reaction to this video, after our experiences over the last couple of weeks, is that maybe the emergency service drivers should also take a good look at it.

My wife came home quite destraught after an encounter with an ambulance that came from behind and was unable to overtake approaching the crest of a hill in a thirty mile an hour limit with solid white lines in the middle of the road. She was driving a vehicle that is old mini size and therefore was unable to mount the kerb (which the video clearly says not to anyway) as it was rather high at that point with no run ups and besides the pavement is only three feet wide at that point. So she continued actually speeding up to try to get to somewhere she could move out of the way only for the ambulance driver to keep leaning on the horn and gesticulating.

Now interestingly about a week later I had an encounter with an ambulance coming from the opposite direction for which I pulled as far as possible to the nearside and slowed down, as there were vehicles between the ambulance and ourselves coming towards us, to allow more distance for the ambulance to overtake only to be gesticulated at, why I don't know.

It appeared that the same driver as my wife encountered was in the ambulance. We have reported said driver to the local ambulance station laying out the facts as we see them and are awaiting their reply but expect a 'whitewash'.

To me some of the emergency service drivers think that they are above the law and the rules when they have their blues and sirens on and do not fully consider other peoples positions and what they are able to do in the given circumstances.

One other comment I would like to make is that I and others I have spoken too, find the new sirens that are being used are sometimes extremely difficult to determine where they are coming from as the sound seems to engulf from all directions.


As usual just my opinions and observations.



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Paul- - 2011-07-16 11:34 AM


We had the same thing happen to us last week, we had all pulled over to let the approaching ambulance through, & a boy racer thought it would be a good opportunity to pass us all.


maybe he thought if it goes *its up he would get to the hospital fast (?)


oops I forgot the best bit :$


it was driving tutors car.....with no passenger

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