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Avtex 15 inch Tele

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Hi Michael,


Welcome to the forum.


Do you have access to the user guide for the TV? If not then you may be able to download a copy from the website.




As a final shot in the dark - you may have the TV set to take VGA??


Hope this helps.

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I had this last week and it turned out to be the scart lead not fully connected pushed home lead on back of tv and all ok ,tried the same by loosening the lead at receiver box yes it was the same sound but no picture pushed lead home Picture back.. Also check source menu to see what you are connected to scart , Tv etc..Phil
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If you haven't got it sorted yet phone Avtec they are very helpful and in my experience provide great after sales service.


By the way did you know that on digital you can switch between two sound channels and in Spain  (possibly other counties as well) the alternative sound channel is in English on some programmes.


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