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Dover - marine parade??

purple princess

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Hi, Ive strayed over from the caravan forum to ask you well travelled motor homers if anyone has recently stayed on Marine Parade at Dover (behind the Premier Inn)?? we are sailing very early morning and wondered if we'd be ok for a short stay on there with a caravan?? Cheers peeps
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I have stayed there before in my motorhome and am planning to do the same again next Friday night. I have to say that I have never personally seen caravans parked there before but that may have been because there just happened not to be any on the night I was there. I do seem to recall that the bays were marked 'Motorhomes' though *-)
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We parked at Dover marina last Sunday. The traffic wardens were active from 9am on. we parked along with the other motorhomes and on the opposite of the road to us was a road sign showing cars motor bikes could park but the sign had a caravan with a cross thro it. I asked the traffic warden was it ok to park and as long as I paid it was ok. Asking about the caravan sign, she stated they would book any car and caravan parked along the front. So please be aware. This was because a car and caravan would not fit into each allotted parking space and the road traffic regulations state no parking of Caravans. You used to be able to park in the car park behind and alongside the Monmouth hotel , But I suspect that parking as now been fitted with a low height barrier
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On the section of Marine Parade where there are car and caravan signs like this:


parking is permitted for both car/caravan combination and motor caravans.Andy
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That particular design of sign does not appear in the Traffic Signs Manual, so it must have been the subject of special authorisation from the Department for Transport. Taken at face value it appears to mean that parking where indicated is permitted ONLY for car/caravan combinations and motorcycles.



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I stated earlier that there are definitely signs showing caravans opposite the Port Offices on Marine Parade. One post seems to counter this fact even though he clearly had not checked the entire length of Marine Parade.


If the signs are erected (irrespective of legality) you are hardly going to be booked for parking in an area where the signs are situated. The poster has asked a simple question by enquiring whether it is OK to park on Marine Parade. The question has been answered. Why is it necessary to complicate a simple question?

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Mike88 - 2011-07-17 9:14 AM


I stated earlier that there are definitely signs showing caravans opposite the Port Offices on Marine Parade. One post seems to counter this fact even though he clearly had not checked the entire length of Marine Parade.


If the signs are erected (irrespective of legality) you are hardly going to be booked for parking in an area where the signs are situated. The poster has asked a simple question by enquiring whether it is OK to park on Marine Parade. The question has been answered. Why is it necessary to complicate a simple question?




1. Because it's the internet ;-)


2. Given there was subsequently an element of disagreement, a number of people (including myself, and I suspect Andy C) were trying to give the OP some extra confidence in a positive answer. (As is evidenced by your views about THIS thread, not all answers are necessarily correct - yours just might have been the incorrect answer; support from other posters usually helps the OP to select which ones are correct).


3. The combination of mine and Andy C's post pulled up an interesting question for motorhome owners viz: as the traffic sign is not one of the standard DFT ones, does it in fact refer to motorhomes (as the standard sign Andy has posted definitely does), or simply to towed caravans. (And yes, I know what custom and practice has been). Whilst going mildly off-topic, Forum answers often lead to debates such as these, and add somewhat to the "interest".


.....so, do you think the OP is now able to make an advised decision? :-S


....next ! B-)

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Guest pelmetman
Andy_C - 2011-07-16 1:56 PMOn the section of Marine Parade where there are car and caravan signs like this:


parking is permitted for both car/caravan combination and motor caravans.Andy

Looks like caravans are only allowed if they are being towed by half a car(lol)
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Robinhood - 2011-07-17 10:19 AM



.....so, do you think the OP is now able to make an advised decision? :-S


....next ! B-)


No. How when one post says you can't park and others say you can. On the basis of the replies received I would be none the wiser.

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Mike88 - 2011-07-17 10:46 AM


No. How when one post says you can't park and others say you can. On the basis of the replies received I would be none the wiser.


In which case your thought processes must run somewhat contrary to mine.


With a number of posts expressing the opinion that it is possible, against one saying it isn't, and a Google Streetview of the road signs at the location - I think I could make an advised decision.


If I receive conflicting reports, I weigh the merits, and if necessary go looking for further evidence.

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