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Northern Motorhome Show


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Anyone go to the Northern Motorhome Show? I'd booked for the three days but came back a day early as the weather changed and I didn't fancy sloshing around in a mud bath. Fortunately yesterday was fine and i'd managed to see all of the Trade stands.


My mate who is disabled drew the short straw though as their area was right by the entertainments marquee with head thumping music blasting out until 11pm. Surprised they didn't have bingo going as well. *-)


I got lucky and was in a more select area well away from the racket where it was nice and peaceful! (lol)

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we came back yesterday a day early but not because of the weather because of a hospital appointment.


The weather, well we can't do anything about the English weather and just prepared for all types lol.


We were parked near the main entertainment marquee with Motorhome Fun but I did not find it too loud or noisy.


If Bryan & Suzy visit here "Thank you"

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We were there from Thursday to Sunday. The rain started with a vengence on Saturday, culminating in some horrendous downpours especially after 4.30 pm, which eventually led to the show being closed early at around 5.15 pm that day. The evening had some bright spells so we took the opportunity to take our freestanding awning down then.


Sunday was okay until about 8.30 am and hubby wondered why he had been in a rush to get the awning down ... then the heavens opened again so we had a nice long lie-in! It kept going on and off like this all the time but we had a potter around from about 10.30 am until we got fed up by around 1.00 pm so went back to the van for a late lunch (lovely bacon butty! :D ) before saying our goodbyes and setting off home, travelling through more torrential rain on the way. We left the site by the 'back entrance', ie where the buses went from, to save having to go all the way across to the main entrance and round to get to the motorway.


There was some confusion with the standard Saturday bus trip, the programme said in 2 of the sections that the trip was to Knutsford again (okay, but way too small so you are round it in no time at all), whereas in fact it was to Northwich and we only found out by accident because one of the couples we were chatting to were going and had already bought tickets. Northwich was very nice and had an indoor market on which was good, and a lot of the shops had canopies so even when it was raining it wasn't an issue. A nice place and I'd certainly go again (and frequent the charity shops! :$ ).


Entertainmentwise, we only went to the Thursday evening one when the Abba tribute band were on, along with a Drifters-esque group, the Abba group were absolutely brilliant and we had a whale of a time, the Drifters were okay but not my cup of tea. We eventually got evicted from the marquee at 11.15 pm! We were going to pop into the Friday entertainment but got side-tracked when we saw some new 'friends' (Allan and Frances) in a Flash 04 and popped in for a natter ... until midnight! :-D


The site handled the heavy rain extremely well and it was only really on the Saturday that it started to get a little watterlogged in a few places, but the edges of the road ways did get churned up a bit as vehicles pulled on and off them on Sunday, but that was to be expected. Had it been at York I think we'd all have turned into hippos singing "mud, mud, glorious mud"!


One thing that is most annoying is the daft 'U' turn you have to do to get to the show from the motorway - you have to go about 4 miles down the road, to go around a roundabout, and then come all the way back on the opposite side of the road, virtually to where you started, in order to turn left into the road cutting across to the site ... when you can actually turn right anyway as soon as you leave the motorway! I assume this is because they don't want a load of motorhomes turning across the traffic and/or clogging up the start of the road from the motorway, but it is absolutely daft - lots of people were complaining about this - surely there must be a better solution. 8-)


The show itself was okay, but I don't think I'll be going again, some of our favourite traders weren't there so we couldn't get some of the bits and pieces we wanted (O'Learys for example), plus several of the stalls had much smaller pitches so only had a limited amount of kit with them.


Timing of the show - it is too close to the Western one (there are too many shows now anyway me-thinks), and distance wise too. I'm still of the opinion that this isn't really a Northern show, but a mini-Western one. I still prefer York for the Northern show and guess that some of the 'missing' traders may do too. :-S


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Went to the show, on Thursday so at least had a couple of reasonable days before the rains came down, the show was quite small and I won't be rushing back found the security people in the black outfits quite arrogant put us off, we go to enjoy ourselves not to be treated like children, Had this comment made to me a few times from the Belvoir show as well. just don't like arrogance.
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Mel B - 2011-07-18 8:44 PM

We were there from Thursday to Sunday. The rain started with a vengence on Saturday, culminating in some horrendous downpours especially after 4.30 pm, which eventually led to the show being closed early at around 5.15 pm that day. The evening had some bright spells so we took the opportunity to take our freestanding awning down then.


One thing that is most annoying is the daft 'U' turn you have to do to get to the show from the motorway - you have to go about 4 miles down the road, to go around a roundabout, and then come all the way back on the opposite side of the road, virtually to where you started, in order to turn left into the road cutting across to the site ... when you can actually turn right anyway as soon as you leave the motorway!


I gave up and left by Saturday mid-day even though i'd paid the three nights. Seen all the trade stands anyway on Friday when it was thankfully sunny and dry all day. But like you I was a bit disappointed with the trade stands most of which were selling items well above normal price or what you can buy at the click of the mouse at home. I was hoping to find an awning but only found three traders.....all of which were selling well over what I could buy the identical item off the internet. One even offering "free" fitting but slapped £175 on top of the price to cover it. Who are they trying to fool?


As for that daft U turn I agree! Although I was caught out by choosing to ignore what my satnav told me as I came off the motorway and drove past the right turn across the intersection and followed the damn stupid yellow signs for the Motorhome Show. I cursed when I realised I was driving back to where I had just been twenty minutes before! Next time I will do as Sally Satnav tells me!


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What I did find quite amusing was the number of huge RV's that turned up, some even towing the obligatory car! What do people with these things REALLY do with them? Drive a few miles to the nearest Show, park up, then return home and wait for another Show?


Does anyone actually know any owners who regularly use them to TOUR? Or are they simply exhibition pieces spending most of their time as Static Caravans?

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maryowlgirl - 2011-07-21 6:50 AM


I think you will find that lots of owners live abroad in them for 6 months then come home to tour the Festivals, visit family & friends & English holidays.

Over the many years i've spent touring various european countries I only ever saw ONE on tour........and he was from Belgium! Where I used to work I passed a property every day where not just one but two RV's sat in the driveway. They were always there.....every day, every week year in year out.

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Bulletguy - 2011-07-20 1:39 PM


What I did find quite amusing was the number of huge RV's that turned up, some even towing the obligatory car! What do people with these things REALLY do with them? Drive a few miles to the nearest Show, park up, then return home and wait for another Show?


Does anyone actually know any owners who regularly use them to TOUR? Or are they simply exhibition pieces spending most of their time as Static Caravans?


As a RV owner/these things , besides working the shows,I do actually take pleasure having and using my RV.I do not tow the obligatory car , funny how many european m/h towing cars!!! at Cheshire.

I just your normal down to earth hardworking chap...not snobbish that my motorhome is BIGGER than yours (lol)


Tony.... :-D

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