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After all these years I still learn something new every day!


I have always enjoyed a nice jelly - more so with ice cream - yum yum yum - and I have now discovered the delights of fizzy jelly!


Fizzy jelly - it's like unfizzy jelly but made with - err - fizzy liquid intead of plain dull old water, and it tingles on yer tongue in a magical way


We used el cheapo lemonade and it seems to work well but maybe we will try more exotic fizzies as time passes.


Now you lot are going to tell me that you have known about this for years I suppose and make me wonder about all those fizzless jellies that could have had a bit of - err - fizz?



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Guest pelmetman
Robinhood - 2011-07-17 7:53 PM
pelmetman - 2011-07-17 7:46 PMHi Rich

Better than lemonade try champagne, go on give it a try.

......champagne jellies. What a lifestyle!I can see now why Dave hasn't been able to retire yet. ;-)

That's the trouble with us:D...................... expensive tastes(lol)
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maggyd - 2011-07-17 10:24 PM


Come on then (lol) tell me? how does the lemonade keep its fizz when you boil it?


It's a trade secret Maggy and if I told you I would have to shoot you and you are far too nice for that!


Mind you there are a few on here who could do with a bit of hot lead poisoning sometimes!

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maggyd - 2011-07-17 10:24 PM


Come on then (lol) tell me? how does the lemonade keep its fizz when you boil it?


Oh all right then - make the jelly with the minimum of boiling water and when it cools but before it sets add yer fizzy to make up the right quantity. Simples!


We used to use a Pyrex bowl with measurements on it but that got broke and now we have to use the Fire King (for those old enough to remember) bowl so now it's 'pass the fireking bowl please' whenever it's needed!


Get busy with the fizzy - remember that advert?

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The last time we tried powdered jelly it tasted like - er - powdered jelly, so we stick to the old fashioned time proven blocks with all it's artificial additives!
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Sorry Sue - but I must have all they additives and 'E' numbers to keep me my usual irritible, grumpy and intolerant self!
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Guest pelmetman
donna miller - 2011-07-18 4:05 PMVodka jellies are a tad tastier than lemonade, but remember to keep them hidden when the grandkids come round.

You don't want to use the Vodka from around here, as it's mostly antifreeze so your jellies wont set:D
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pelmetman - 2011-07-19 7:42 PM
donna miller - 2011-07-18 4:05 PMVodka jellies are a tad tastier than lemonade, but remember to keep them hidden when the grandkids come round.

You don't want to use the Vodka from around here, as it's mostly antifreeze so your jellies wont set:D
But it will BLOW your socks & roof off (lol)
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We used to make something as a kid called 'dunlowpillo', at least that's how it sounded! Anyway, we used to replace some of the hot water with evaporated milk ... it was absolutely scrumptious ... probably full of calories but who cares!!! :D
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Yes Me -l now you mention it I too remember my Mum used to make us that when we were kids way back in the fifties - I didn't realise you too were that old!
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Mel B - 2011-07-20 9:41 PM



It was first made for me by my brother's in-laws when I got invited round to their house for tea when he was courting their daughter - he's 14 years older than me! :->[/quote


And I thought that it was only Methuselah who was actually older than you Mel!

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fairweather camper - 2011-07-31 8:33 PM


DUNLOPILOW, thats sounds like poormans blancmange. :D (lol)


Just a bit more chewy, with no fizz , probably gets stuck in yer teeth and leaves you foaming at the mouth!

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