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Brownhills, Swindon RIP


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Guest Peter James

Not been to Swindon but I like the 'non attentive' sales personnel at Brownhills Newark.

Strange as it may seem I tend to mistrust salesmen to sell me what I want, I prefer the freedom to look around, without being hassled by salesmen, and decide for myself. I have always got that at Newark. If they appear to be overstaffed by 'salesmen' walking around, I suppose thats necessary to stop people nicking anything.

I have never had any problems with Brownhills.

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Agree it is a shame as it means people will have lost their jobs in a difficult jobs market. But if it means that it makes the remaining parts of the organisation viable then it must be the right move. Have always found staff at Newark very helpful and wish Brownhills all the best for the future.
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Sad for the Swindon site, always a bad day when staff have to go.. Agree with some of the replies re- Newark, we love going there to browse around, with no hassle Great Bistro, and a great Pub opposite.

Park up and go for a swim, if had a van from there... Also sold our Motorhome this year with them, bought 5 years ago (Swift Suntor - £26900) Sold back to them via part Ex for £23k, how good was that!! (lol) :$ :$

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