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Guest Tracker

Can anyone help advise me in simple terms how I get jpeg images sent to me by email out of their Thunderbird email attachment status and into a Picasa folders please?


The help page does not and neither could I find the answer on line so I guess it must be so simple that nobody else has ever needed to ask - duh!


How hard can it be?



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I'll have a go but Thunderbird is not within my experience.


Using Windows Live or one of that ilk you open the email. Then right click on the attachment and select Save As .....

This should bring up a box so you navigate to a suitable folder and give a name to the attachment and also file type.

Once you have stored on the hard disk you can use Piscara to locate it. Piscara will probably add it to your list anyway.


Apologies if this is useless for Thunderbird.

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Its simple Rich , do like I do when something doesnt work or I cant figure it out . First start shouting and getting angry then progress to slamming fists on table or if you prefer you can kick the door then if its still not right finally you can throw offending item against the wall and smash it to pieces and take great satisfaction you have shown it whose boss , works every time .
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Hi Rich,


I don't know how much use this will be to you as I don't use Thunderbird, but I do use Picasa 3.


I save any emailed images into "My Pictures" folder on the laptop, then from Picasa, select "Import", which gives me several options of scannners, printers and digi cameras etc, but also "Folder".


From "Folder", I select the "My Pictures" and the required image, which then transfers to Picasa.







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