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Has anyone put curtains on the front of a T4 if so how are they fixed. Also what about blinds on front screen and side doors instead of the silver stick on screens.


Another idea I have is for a curtain above the head restraints to shut off thr trst.



Any ideas? (lol)

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Haven't got a T4 but I know some forumites have put the Remis type blinds on the windscreen and side doors on Fiats/Peugoets and have made comment about it not being difficult but the casings can obscure the vision a bit, not sure if anyone has done it on a T4. They don't have any real insulating qualities though, just to cut out the light.


I'm pretty sure tht there's been discussion of the best way to put a curtain track around the windscreen in a van and the type to get - might be worth contacting Pelmetman as he's in the soft furnishings business (when he can be bothered to get up and do some work! :D ) so would probably be able to advise you what track to use.


As for a curtain above the head restraints, if you don't need to use the cab area, that might be the easiest/cosiets option to cut out the cold.



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