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Amy Winehouse drug death


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As a parent I feel whole heartedly for the girls parents etc but I cant help feeling her death is been portrayed by the media especially BBC 5Live as a tragic accident and a waste of a wonderful life . In my view it was not it was an inevitable ending to a drug riddled selfish life , a life that she put her poor parents through hell . Would it not be better to be giving the message to kids that look this is what happens when you take drugs , you die ! and you leave your parents crushed and broken .
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If the PM shows drugs OD to be the cause, then I agree with you.


Average singer/utter idiot succeeds in killing herself; completely self-inflicted, by repeated criminal activity.




I wish there was the same outpouring of grief about those other 92 young people who also died in Norway.


They all had their young lives cut short and they and their families had their futures robbed from them: innocently, by being murdered by the madman.

There were NO spoiled-brat, crack-whore, hedonistic irresponsible, selfish, criminal behaviour contributory factors about any of their deaths.


Yet their unimaginable tragedy will be forgotten by us in a few days. The Winehouse PR and money-machine will continue to roll.....

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Bit harsh there arn't you Bruce? while Amy's death may pale into insignificance against the slaughter in Norway, she was someones daughter and they are grieving, she was a brilliant blues singer and writer and gave many thousands of fans pleasure, just one more name to add to the drug and booze toll, thats the tragedy here.

No need to call her a spoiled brat, selfish crack whore hedonist etc.

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BGD - 2011-07-24 7:24 PM


If the PM shows drugs OD to be the cause, then I agree with you.


Average singer/utter idiot succeeds in killing herself; completely self-inflicted, by repeated criminal activity.




I wish there was the same outpouring of grief about those other 92 young people who also died in Norway.


They all had their young lives cut short and they and their families had their futures robbed from them: innocently, by being murdered by the madman.

There were NO spoiled-brat, crack-whore, hedonistic irresponsible, selfish, criminal behaviour contributory factors about any of their deaths.


Yet their unimaginable tragedy will be forgotten by us in a few days. The Winehouse PR and money-machine will continue to roll.....





ffs plick

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Great singer maybe , Gods gift to her supplier for sure and how do we know how many she introduced to drugs and I think Bruce is right . Those poor young kids robbed of life with no choice while Amy Winehouse played a game of Russian roulette with hers for years .
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  • 5 weeks later...

From the Press Association website 4 hours ago:


"..Toxicology results show there were "no illegal substances" in Amy Winehouse's body at the time of her death, her family has said.


The Back To Black singer was found dead at her flat in north London on July 23.


The family statement said: "Toxicology results returned to the Winehouse family by authorities have confirmed that there were no illegal substances in Amy's system at the time of her death


"Results indicate that alcohol was present but it cannot be determined as yet if it played a role in her death.


"The family would like to thank the police and coroner for their continuing thorough investigations and for keeping them informed throughout the process. They await the outcome of the inquest in October."


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It seems like here final moments on this earth were not spent injecting or sniffing or smoking or whatever druggies do . That's good for her family to know just a shame the last x amount of years were consumed with her filthy habit . Bet her dealer has had to resort to rioting to bring in the pennies poor lad , what do you think Micheal ?
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It seems like here final moments on this earth were not spent injecting or sniffing or smoking or whatever druggies do . That's good for her family to know just a shame the last x amount of years were consumed with her filthy habit . Bet her dealer has had to resort to rioting to bring in the pennies poor lad , what do you think Micheal ?
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antony1969 - 2011-08-23 7:47 PM


It seems like here final moments on this earth were not spent injecting or sniffing or smoking or whatever druggies do . That's good for her family to know just a shame the last x amount of years were consumed with her filthy habit . Bet her dealer has had to resort to rioting to bring in the pennies poor lad , what do you think Micheal ?


How come you are sending in double posts? are you on bonus or what?

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