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Thetford Cassette Toilet


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New member living in France.

Recent visit to Van revealed Red warning light flashing to indicate full when 12 volts switched on.

Toilet emptied and topped up with Loo Blue after last outing and not used since.!

Tried taking cassette out and replacing but made no difference. Friend thought fuse may be an issue, any ideas gratefully received.



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I would think you wouldn't have any light if the fuse was duff. If you remove the casette and leave it out and the light goes off then the fault is within the cassette. The swinging arm magnet is easily displaced when swilling. If the light stays on when the cassette is out then you've got problems with the sensor or the wiring.


My red light sometimes flashes - but only when the contents are just at the right height and the van is rocking about! 8-)

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