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What's the battery size?


What's the battery size?  

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Hi there, i'm new to this and wondered if someone can help me. I am looking for a new leisure battery for my elddis firestorm, the battery that is in it is A/hr 115. Does this mean that its a 115 amp battery i am looking for? As you'll have guessed - not great at the tech side of things :(


Thanks in advance

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Guest Tracker

In a word - yes!


You may wish to consider getting the biggest battery that will fit in the available space so measure H x W x L and have a look online at various retailers. Tayna Batteries of Abergele are known to be helpful and reliable.


However before condeming the existing battery do just check - or better still if you are inexperienced at such things have an auto electrician check - that all the fuses and connections are clean and tight and the alternator is charging OK as many a battery is dumped for want of a clean fuse!


Welcome to the madhouse where all is not always what it seems and some of us can claim to have more madness than others!

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Thanks :-) I've got the old battery at my local garage just now who is going to test it for me so i will know tomorrow whether or not i'll need a new one, but knowing my luck that'll be a yes!


Thanks again for your advice and help and i should fit in quite well on the madness part lol :-D

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Hi and welcome. To answer your question your battery is a 115a/hr. However, nothing is what it seems and if you did a search on this forum you will discover that there are some real experts on batteries. Not too far back is a thread which in my view educates those lacking in knowledge on such things. At first you may be even more confused but just slowly sift your way through, more than once if necessary, and you will have a better idea on how to resolve your particular problem. Tracker is right, you want the highest a/hr battery which will fit the space you have available. I have even sacraficed part of my storeage to accommodate a second battery because if you intend to be serious about motor home use then you need to be as self sufficient as possible. Think ahead!! That may well save you a stack of money in the long run. Decide what you would like to do in due course and plan every purchase with that in mind. Unless you are loaded you cannot do everything at once so plan ahead and make everything you do count towards your target. You don't have to be mad to come on here but it does help.


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