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Finding Campsites


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I recently purchased a motorhome as I rarely get time off and can only take short breaks at short notice - So a motorhome was the answer to my lack of vacations - or so I thought.


The only problem is finding camp sites for the following weekend - most have to be booked in advance. Then there's the distance of the site from where I want to be - cycling is not really an option as I am grossly unfit and I doubt Honey the chihuahua would appreciate running along side me!


Should i tow a car behind the motorhome? well that's defeating the point a little. I hated towing a caravan... what about a couple of Segways..


As I'm struggling to find sites is it recommended that I join the Caravan Club? What are CLs like in general. Not too bothered about facilities as long as there's electric hook ups, a pretty level site and access to water.


I've searched on-line for sites close to Barnstaple in North Devon (narrow roads I know) and many sites don't even have a website. How are we supposed to find them?


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Both the Caravan Club and the Camping and Caravan Club have main club sites and CL's (CS in the case of the C&CC). Both clubs have websites which allow you to book their main club sites online. Also both clubs have a members handbook with maps which lists all their sites (main and CL's/CS's) detailing facilities ( including electric hookups) and a contact phone number. I have joined both clubs and find them to be excellent value for money.


The facilities on CL's and CS's vary from a farmers field with just somewhere to empty your toilet and waste water and a water tap to hardstandings, electric hookups, heated toilet blocks and WiFi. You pay your money and make your choice.


Having been stuck in mud on a couple of occasions, I tend to use CL's and CS's when it's dry and main sites when it's not.


I have a relatively small motorhome so I just drive to the places I wish to visit or take public transport. Both clubs include the proximity to PTA.

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Don't forget to `book` as many sites as possible..for the time you are away?.You don't pay a deposit so it doesn't matter,and you don't need to cancel.Book well in advance""

You will find,as I do..that many sites say they are fully booked..and they are not?Reason..some plonker as requested a berth [at multiple sites] not knowing where he is going [that rhymes?] and just turns up at one of many??They dont cancel the others??

Apart from that..enjoy your adventures...and never travel without a good bottle of Whisky[e]

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"Don't forget to `book` as many sites as possible..for the time you are away?.You don't pay a deposit so it doesn't matter,and you don't need to cancel.Book well in advance""

You will find,as I do..that many sites say they are fully booked..and they are not?Reason..some plonker as requested a berth [at multiple sites] not knowing where he is going [that rhymes?] and just turns up at one of many??They dont cancel the others?? "



Not sure if this a serious comment, I find it draw droppingly amazing on two counts:


1. I run a couple of businesses myself, one in the past has been involved in hospitality, and too many people with that attitude would have resulted in lost income, in the same way as somebody in employment having their wages unpaid. Most sites are owned by people, not a faceless entity.


2. On many occasions I have tried to book up, well in advance on the two mentioned club sites and have been unable to, due to the sites being full. I'm informed it is mainly due to the above mentioned totally selfish behaviour.



Having re read your post, I think it may have been tongue in cheek, if that is the case, I wholeheartedly apologise in advance, but I think the point needed emphasisng anyway.



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pepe63 - 2011-08-01 8:44 AM


Bolly'..although we joined both the CC and the C&CC when we first got our van,we're finding that apart from the occasional CL site,most of the sites we use now,have been sourced from here:




(...the reviews are very handy and have seemed pretty accurate so far..)




Great site for finding club and non-club sites.


However, don't forget that if you're not a member of the CC or C&CC then some main campsites are member only and those that are not charge a non-member nightly surcharge. If you were to book a single night at the Cambridge C&CC site the nightly, mid-season, non-member fee for a single adult is £14.00; for a member £6.90 and, if you are over 55, £4.90. A few nights on a CC or C&CC main site can quickly pay for the annual membership fee.


CL's and CS's are available to members only.

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Wow it's something of a minefield!... what's wild camping lol


It seems selfish to block places by booking multiple sites for the same night. I tend to decide where I want to go and then try to book.


I have used ukcampsite.co.uk to find the site for my last trip (it was also my first trip) and found the reviews very useful. However can't seem to find much near barnstaple - a gap in the market perhaps? lol


Not sure how much I'll get to use the motorhome but I thinl it's probably worth the membership fees for the CLs and CSs alone


Thanks for you help guys!

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Hi Bolly 1965 and welcome. You will find most contributors will try to answer questions helpfully when they can.


(Ignore cheetahdave's comments earlier - posted for whatever reason - especially as there are inaccuracies:

1) You DO pay a deposit with The Camping and Caravanning Club.

2) It is NOT possible with either club to make a booking for more than one site on any given date.

3) It is only courteous to staff and potential other users to phone the site if you have to cancel.)


On a more positive note you have had some excellent suggestions from other contributors. We too find advantages in being in both clubs.


Two points which nobody has yet mentioned in relation to the CCC are:

Temporary Holiday Sites

District Association weekend meets.


Both of these are run by volunteer club members for the benefit of other members . Often there is no need to book and they are open to all members from any region.


For instance we have just returned from a week at a THS on a school field within a 10 minute walk of a lovely seaside harbour for £8.50 per unit per night. There were no electric hook ups but showers. hot and cold water wash hand basins and loos were available. OK at the weekend a small number of late arrivals had to be turned away because the site was full but there was another THS less than 2 miles further away which had plenty of space.

All the information for THS and DA meets is published monthly in a section called "Out and About" in the CCC magazine which is sent to all members.


The CC has similar meets but the information in its magazine is not as detailed. Further details are obtainable on-line from their regions.


You also find that (in the main) members are friendly and motorhomers are happy to talk with other members and share ideas and are willing to give help if it is needed.


Enjoy your motorhome and your weekends.

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Fully agree with Mel Wood, you should always cancel if you cannot make it to a site, and never book more than you need, perhaps that's why campsites are full when campers over book and not cancel,

makes me annoyed when people think it's alright to just not turn up, when members are being told the site is full...


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Don't forget this website has a 'Campsite Finder' tab - toward the top left of the page. It's a searchable database.

The Camping & Caravanning Club have a searchable database which I think is available to non-members.

www.motorhomefacts.co.uk also have a searchable database. Point at the Reviews tab to get a dropdown menu for a search form or you can search the map.

Hope that helps.


Cattwg :-D

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[Having re read your post, I think it may have been tongue in cheek, if that is the case, I wholeheartedly apologies in advance, but I think the point needed emphasis anyway.]




It was Dave..

Taking a 7 year old with us..trying to book sites..especially in hol periods has made me cynical [ the wife says cylindrical?]

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Hi Bolly1965 - I find that my CC membership is really to get 'on'line' access to the CL's and I don't use it for anything else. I would suggest it is not worth joining both the CC and the C&CC it's an either or situation.

I'm pretty sure the post above about booking lots of sites well in advance and not bothering to cancel was written in a sarcastic tone, it doesn't come across in writing but 'no shows' are a problem in many types of business and it is just inconsiderate types who are to blame.

CL's are perfect for me and from what you have written I think you'll find them OK too and being able to look them up on the CC website where full details and directions are given is very handy.

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cheetahdavie - 2011-08-01 12:12 AM


Don't forget to `book` as many sites as possible..for the time you are away?.You don't pay a deposit so it doesn't matter,and you don't need to cancel.Book well in advance""

You will find,as I do..that many sites say they are fully booked..and they are not?Reason..some plonker as requested a berth [at multiple sites] not knowing where he is going [that rhymes?] and just turns up at one of many??They dont cancel the others??

Apart from that..enjoy your adventures...and never travel without a good bottle of Whisky[e]



Caravan Club has a late availability tab on the website, and you can NOT book multiple sites for the same date.

Currently there is no deposit payable (unlike the C&CC) and you can book anything from 1 night up to the maximum allowable (usually about 21, sometimes 14). I think C&CC do NOT take 1 night bookings

The CC also monitor to see if people regularly cancel bookings without reasonable notice (72hrs), and I think in due course do 'black list' them if cancelled without good reason.

You can often phone a CC site or even HQ booking line, though and find the odd pitch available, although the website shows 'full'.

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I think C&CC do NOT take 1 night bookings



This is so for EHU pitches AT WEEKENDS and during Peak Season and Bank Holidays.

With standard pitches the same applies for Peak Season and Bank Holidays.


At other times (with the exception of certain sites) it is possible to book for one night.


Booking conditions are set out in "Your Big Sites Book" which is free for all CCC members.

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