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A Frame fines


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Guest JudgeMental
but Barrie what you are repeatedly failing to understand is that a post on here is pretty irrelevant to the situation at large.....Make your decision by all means but based on this response? daft IMO
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Ok,,,I was  part of a team just outside Murcia going south,,,we were all stopped and everything checked,,,one of our team had an A-Frame pulling a car,,with no problems may I add,,,driving OK,,,he was giving an on the spot fine and made de couple,,,he did produce papers to say it was legal to use it in the Uk,,,,the words I think was pay the fine,or walk,,,,they just laughed at the papers,,,,we were told to move away when we tried to intervene,,,,,He paid his fine, de coupled ,his son drove the car,,,,not so nice,,,,,he had used the A-frame for three to four trips prior to this in Spain with no Problems
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Isn't it a grey area? Brendon I don't think there is any legislation on towing with A frames over here and as far as I know it's never been tested. As far as I'm aware they can only be used for the recovery of a vehicle that is broke down hence the use by the AA, RAC and other recovery company's.


What was the actual wording on your friends document that said it was legal to tow on a A frame in the UK? Thanks



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Hi Dave,,,,yes I know,,,as in most EU countries they cannot get insurance for same,,,,,I am not against them being used,,,so let no one get me wrong,,,,,but I am afraid it's not going to work in the rest of the EU,,,you are correct Dave ,,,breakdown only,,,but not in Spain now
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nowtelse2do - 2011-09-30 6:44 PM


Hi Brendon, I've nothing against them and I have never heard of an accident with them but until it becomes absolutely clear in law, I would only go down the trailer route. Cheer's




An admirable attitude.


I am one of the guys who are trying to get 'lifted' for using one to clear up the law for you.


The 'Spanish problem' will never concern me since I am unlikely to find the need to visit that place while friendly, less crime ridden places exist.

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Your comment DOES NOT count as far as our friend Hymer is concerned because it was not you who actually got fined, it is just hearsay as far as he is concerned. I told of the case where 2 of my friends who I was travelling with suffering the de-coupling excercise, BUT that did not count either.


Sorry - Mike

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Hi ,,,,,Hmmmm,,,,i wonder who's counting if your were left standing on the side of the road, where would the guys who say it's all bull be then,,,not to be found I think,If he wants feedback ,,,I was there, it happened,,,Spain is not the only E.U. country to strictly enforce this law banning the use of A-Frames.
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Hi I agree there active,but like most things on here, they get blown out of all proportion, that is why I just wanted anyone who had actually been fined, and we still do not have anyone. But thanks to most of you for your input, but what I got was pretty much what I expected. Barrie
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Morning all, will I still a frame in Spain, open mind still. My problem is [ not the fine ] although that would hurt a little not much thats only money. But the worst thing that could happen to us, is to be stopped say half way ish into Spain [ Javea ] and told to take of the car, that would leave my other half to Drive 400 back to France, which I know she would not be happy about. The other point is the year before last I was stopped in Murcia area and asked to pay 670 Euros for the a frame offence which I refused and told the two garda I would follow them to the station, after about an hour and a half they did me 90 euros for a seat belt, and then let me proceed towing the car. The point is I will now I think be on thier computer, and that might put another aspect to it. So the sooner the EEC sort out tis problem the better. Barrie
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I entirely agree 'the sooner this is sorted out, one way or the other, the better'.

How can a device which is perfectly safe (can ANY readers prove otherwise ??) and solves a pressing problem for Motorhome owners wishing to take a small car with them. STILL be illegal ??

And 'because it is' is NOT an acceptable answer in a Democratic society.

Most say 'just get a trailer' , BUT the problem isn't the cost, it's the Storage both onsite and at home, plus the difficulty in loading and securing the car onto and off of the trailer.

A properly 'braked' Professionally made 'A-frame' is the very obvious answer, These devices are legal in the United States and almost every RV you see has a 'Toad' car behind, (and not 'tiny' ones either !) without problems (that i'm aware of ?). lets start a Petition !! Ray :D

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Hi Ray and cant agree more, another great comparison is a Motorhome with an aframed car for example [ 4/5 ton towing under 1 ton ] the towing motorhome in full charge.

The average car you see pulling a caravan 1 ton ish pulling a mostly same wieght caravan 1 ton plus

The car doing the pulling definitely not in full charge and that is why it is not uncommon to see caravans turned over. Barrie

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Guest JudgeMental

You may as well bay the moon! Nothing will change until this is tested in court...any volunteers?

No........I thought not*-)


I must say this thread has been such a good laugh :-D

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hymer1942 - 2011-10-02 10:12 AM


Morning all, will I still a frame in Spain, open mind still. My problem is [ not the fine ] although that would hurt a little not much thats only money. But the worst thing that could happen to us, is to be stopped say half way ish into Spain [ Javea ] and told to take of the car, that would leave my other half to Drive 400 back to France, which I know she would not be happy about. The other point is the year before last I was stopped in Murcia area and asked to pay 670 Euros for the a frame offence which I refused and told the two garda I would follow them to the station, after about an hour and a half they did me 90 euros for a seat belt, and then let me proceed towing the car. The point is I will now I think be on thier computer, and that might put another aspect to it. So the sooner the EEC sort out tis problem the better. Barrie


Now he tells us!!! :-D He was pulled in Spain for the A frame himself, but still cannot believe it because he was let off on a lesser charge. I ask you, what a time waster!! (lol)


Barrie's vehicle is UK registered. Under EC legislation, which takes precedence over Spanish law in this area, he should be accepted on Spanish roads without challenge, even though his rig would be illegal if registered in Spain, providing it is legal in the UK. Barrie's problem is that it is not legal in UK, it is merely not illegal, so he cannot prove its legality to the Spanish authorities. UK law relies on a practise being declared illegal, otherwise it is deemed legal. European law generally says things are illegal, unless specifically sanctioned. A frames are not so sanctioned under UK law, and are an acknowledged "grey area". Grey areas in the rest of Europe are not grey, they are illegal unless sanctioned.


So, like it or lump it, Barrie, I'm afraid it is a real risk that only you can decide how to react to. Whatever you read on here, won't alter the risk, one way or the other. Sorry.

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Brian, your missing it, that is the whole point, I did not get fined for the A Frame offence Why, and still up to now on here no one else has. And to be nasty and say I am a waste of space just because you dont agree with my thinking.????????????????? Barrie
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I expect that the high number of hits on this subject is because others like me just open it up the see the latest diatribe from our friend Hymer.

He got stopped for an A-frame offence but was also not wearing a seatbelt - what a wally!!!!.

I expect the next thing will be " I cannot see without glasses but do not wear them because I like a challenge"


As for his wife driving back 400mls to France, why not continue to his destination and then take the risk of towing back to France at a later date. After all the fine "is only money" and in his own words he has no problem with paying fines or as a more eloquent member said " A cretin tax" ??


Off to Spain soon without an A-frame but will keep up to date when I get there.


More fun out of this post than watching Satellite TV.

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Guest JudgeMental
crinklystarfish - 2011-10-02 8:13 PM

Whilst I'm between motorhomes I'm thinking of taking a break with a yacht trip off the coast of Kenya.

Has anyone on here been kidnapped by Somalian pirates?

actually just been discussing a half term break with the wife in Northern Kenyan coast...I cannot for the life of me believe how cheap it is! Free boat trip to Somalia included as well I believe (for the wife only :-S)
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