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Hard Winter


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Whilst the BBC report tries to shift the blame to BAA - rather than the Met Office who advised us all that due to their preferred version of Global Warming that we would have BBQ summers and warm wet winters - so no need for salt or snow ploughs etc - this report is interesting in that the countries infrastructure does seem to be gearing up for a hard winter.


I hope we don't have one - I hope this balmy weather carries on well after Christmas.


But I also carry a shovel and a couple of bags of sand in the boot come November.





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CliveH - 2011-09-29 11:35 PM


Whilst the BBC report tries to shift the blame to BAA - rather than the Met Office who advised us all that due to their preferred version of Global Warming that we would have BBQ summers and warm wet winters - so no need for salt or snow ploughs etc - this report is interesting in that the countries infrastructure does seem to be gearing up for a hard winter.


I hope we don't have one - I hope this balmy weather carries on well after Christmas.


But I also carry a shovel and a couple of bags of sand in the boot come November.






Put a bag of cement in your boot as well, never know, you might cop for a good paying brickwork job somewhere?

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Depending on where in the country you live, it is possible that the heat wave will expire tonight. The forecast for the northwest of Scotland is for 8 degrees tonight and heavy rain tomorrow, those in the Lowlands will get the rain and maybe 17 degrees. This is to last until the middle of next week when it may dry up, but remain uch cooler, or basicaly back to normal. Snow is still forecast for the 2nd last week of October.


After all the energy Companies have to make their profits somehow?

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It really amazes me that time after time the weather forecasters get it wrong even for whats going to happen later today let alone tomorrow or the end of the week, but we (me included) still listen to the long range forecasts and can't help ourselves in partially believing them, are we daft ?

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Guest pelmetman
I have a theory, that if they tell us it will be a hard winter it will be mild, a bit like this BBQ summer*-).........Topped up with oil,coal and wood just in case though:D.........which should just about guarantee a mild winter now I've spent a fortune(lol)
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No disrespect but some of us in this 'fair isle' have been having a taste fo winter for some time. No hot days for us but a lot of rain, wind and cool if not cold weather. I regret that 10 degrees does not make me wish to run around in shorts and T shirt. The Cairngorms are already white and I have longing thoughts towards our friends who are still in the south of Spain, and getting a slightly cooler 26 degrees. We have had the central heating on in bits over the last month as later at night it gets pretty cold.


Last year the snow arrived in the middle of November and did not leave until the neginning of April, so i suspect we are in for similar this year. On the bright side it may make the tourists stay away Hee! Hee! If I hear another Italian trying to use a £20 note to get to Roslin Abbey I will probably scream.

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Have to say those of us on the receiving end of the supreme numptiness of the "Ban the urban 4x4 brigade" (that melted away when the first bit of snow arrived) are having a great laugh at Caroline Lucus' Brighton council that has had to buy a whole new fleet of 4x4 gritters after the total balls-up of the last two years because so intent where the "greens" that Global warming meant warm wet winters that they simply stopped preparing properly for our British winters.




Wow! - I wonder what ever happened to Sian Berry?


Meanwhile last winter a lot of kind-hearted 4x4 owners gave up their time and effort to make sure emergency services could get to where they were needed.


(By the way - "Dr" Caroline Lucas the one Green MP does indeed have a PhD. And is often advertised as being a Climate Change "expert" with the "Dr" as a title prominent. - It is worth noting exactly what the dear Caroline achieved her doctorate in - She achieved it from Exeter University in 1989 for a thesis entitled :-


"Writing for Women: a study of woman as reader in Elizabethan romance" :-S :-S :-S :-S )


I kid you not.




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I am personally responsible for the ending of the cold winter last year. I bought a snow shovel and that was it. The weather turned mild the next day and we have had no more snow. We still have the snow shovel so I'm confidently expecting a mild winter, in Kent at least, this year!
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For years we had a wonderful red sledge - a moulded plastic thing that was bound to be fast on the snow! - hanging on the garage wall. No snow meant no use. We bought it when my youngest was about 7 he is now 25.


Sadly the red sledge went the way of a lot of plastic, it went brittle and so I chucked it out three years ago when I realised it would only break up and shove shards of plastic into my nether regions if I ever tried to use it.


So do you think I can claim to be responcible for the harsh winters of late?



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Guest Tracker

Of course it's all your fault Clive and it's good to see someone taking responsibility for their actions at last!


Reminds me of the sledge I built my son when he was about 7. I used three quarter inch copper tube (22mm for you modern types) for the runners. I used a pipe bender to get the front curve right and keep it seamless and with a selection of Yorkshire fittings soldered up a very sturdy frame which was adorned by an old kitchen cupboard door for a seat. No brakes of course - brakes are for wimps!


Ye gods was it fast! Even on wafer thin or slushy snow it just flew and most of the local kids went home with cuts and bruises. I can just imagine what today's elfan safety types would have made of it!


Recycling is the posh name for what they call it now but in them days it was needs driven as we were not that wealthy.


As far as I know it still hangs in my brother's garage awaiting a snowy winter and some suitable grand children!

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Guest pelmetman
Its not winter here in Lincolnshire yet - Dave is still wearing shorts and sandals!  Can't stand all the wimps walking around in top coats, hats etc!!


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Guest Tracker

Heavens alive Sue - now there's a sight that don't bear thinking about - Himself in shorts and sandals!


Hope he has some nice contrasting warm socks to go with 'em!


Walking along the Ouse bank this morning it sure was not shorts weather!


Although it is bright and sunnny I don't know where the wind was coming from but I sure know where it was trying to go!

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Guest pelmetman
Tracker - 2011-10-18 10:32 AMHeavens alive Sue - now there's a sight that don't bear thinking about - Himself in shorts and sandals!
I'll have you know Rich........ I have often been complemented on having very nice ankles;-)..........I think my fluffy flip flops set them of a treat:D

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